Chapter 04 Dirty Dancing

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“Alex, how could you steal my girl?”

“What? I didn’t.” he said sleepily he looked down to see a sleeping Shayla he smirked a little looking up at Jack clearing his throat nervously.

“Oh right, sorry dude we were making out and – “

“You fucker.” Jack threw a pillow at Alex.

“I was kidding! I have a girlfriend.” He laughed throwing it back harder making Jack fall back with a small thud, I moved around a bit waking up moments after the thud, I could hear Taylor next to me mumbling something under her breath about the sound I shook my head as I sat up.

“I’m hurt Shay.”

“Sorry Jacky, Alex was warmer.”

“Warmer hey?” He cocked an eye brow, I snorted as I stood up.

“Yes warmer, now if you two don’t mind I’ll be going now to get dressed.”

Jack smirked jumping up, I shook my head.

“Oh no you don’t mister.” I pointed my finger sternly at his chest.

“I’ve seen it all once before!” He whined.

“And when was this?” Alex butted in.

Jack scratched the back of his neck, “We didn’t do anything.” Alex snorted.

“Fine don’t tell me, I’ll soon find out.”

That was the last thing I had herd them say, I walked back to where the bunks were seeing sleeping Rian and Zack in their bunks sound asleep, I quietly tiptoed over to my bunk digging through my bag seeing a pair of jeans and A cute black and Grey long sleeve shirt, I picked my phone up remembering I was supposed to call mom when I had the chance to let her know I was safe and sound, I walked away into the bathroom putting the phone to my ear.


“Hey momma, sorry for not calling last night it got a little crazy.”

“its fine dear, how are you?”

“I’m good, I’m glad I decided to come back.”

“That’s good, Jack treating you good?”

“It’s been one day mom; I’m not getting my hopes up.”

“Alright dear, well I best get going call me tonight dear, bye.”

“Bye mom”

I sighed staring at my reflection, I wasn’t that pretty not in my knowledge but according to Jack I was the prettiest girl he had ever laid eyes on, I sucked in my breath letting it out slipping out of my clothes I had on since yesterday into some clean ones brushing my teeth I slipped out of the bathroom moments later after I finished having my makeup already ready to use once I got into my bunk, I could hear footsteps.

“Shayla, you in here?”

It was Alex.

“Yes, in my bunk.”

Alex’s head popped inside his eyes sparkled, “Jack’s in his boxers dancing like a stripper on the counter eating a bowl of cereal.” I snorted.

“Is someone filming it?”

“Taylor is, trying to hold back her laughter.” I put down my mascara walking down the hall with Alex, sure enough Jack was dancing on the counter with a bowl of cereal in his hand spoon in his mouth, with boxers on.

“Shayla! Come join me!”

Alex pushed me over, I glared.

“Yeah Shayla, go on.” Alex smirked.

Jack put the bowl of cereal down holding out his hand, I bit down on my lower lip nervously as I took his hand he lifted me onto the counter his hands on either of my sides my mind went straight to the movie dirty dancing remembering some of their moves, i turned so my back was facing his front grinding my hips into his theighs, he soon turned me around eyes were sparkling with excietment.

Soon the fun ended, we both jumped off the counter.

“As for me I must go finish getting ready.”

I let go of Jack’s hand walking back down the hall just as Zack and Rian were getting up they both noticed me bringing me into a tight hug after I crawled back into my bunk to finish getting ready, already knowing this day was going to be full of fun and ciaos.

These chapters may be short, but they'll get longer along the way :) whatya think?

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