Chapter 13 memories

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Leaning against the tree trunk I watched as Alex and Ash goofed around at the park together I remember the days when Shay and I would get up early morning hours meet up at the end of the road and walk to the nearest park we could sit in the tree for hours talking about stupid things yet it entertained us I looked down at my phone as I dug it out of my pocket opening the 100th text for Shay.

Shay please? Where are you? you left after promising me you wouldn’t.

I blinked back the water that was threating to pour down my cheek, I felt that empty feeling everyone talked about that one feeling where it feels like your heart has been ripped out of your chest leaving a big hole there.

“Alex! Don’t you dare!”

I glanced up from my phone watching them, I couldn’t help but to watch them it would bring back memories of the good times Shay and I had.

“Jack I know that look.”

I ran over picking her up throwing her over my shoulder running across the park toward the maragoround her eyes widened.

“You really like to see me suffer don’t you?”

I put her down smirking spinning the maragoround as fast I could before jumping on myself sitting there in front of her with a smile on my face.

“I love you”

Her eyes lit up.

“I love you too.”

“Dude you okay?”

I shook my head.

“Fine, look I think I’m going to go back to the hotel.”

Alex stared at me.

“I’ll be fine.”

I told him as I stood up fully brushing my jeans off pulling on my hood walking out of the park and away from Ash and Alex, instead of finding my way back to the hotel I had found myself in front of a bar I took in a deep breath walking inside the smell of alcohol welcomed me inside, I walked up to the bar the guy stared at me.

“Looks like you could use something strong, girl problems?”

“You could say that”

“On the house”

doing something stupid I stood up walking passed the crowd out into the fresh air I took a look at my cell seeing no calls or texts from Shay I stuffed it back inside my pocket only wishing she would send a simple text letting me know everything would be alright, to tell me she’ll be back.


I felt my phone vibrate I immodestly quit walking looking down seeing Shayla’s name across the screen I leaned against the brick wall.

Jack, I hope you’re doing okay, listen I’ve been getting your texts I’ve been thinking that maybe going with you was a bad forgiving you even jumping up and going with you seemed like the perfect moment that day, but I was wrong Jack, it was moving to fast. I hope you understand, if we’re both meant to be we’ll find a way to be together again. I’m sorry.

That was it.

The text I didn’t want to ever read.

I gripped my phone tightly in my hand throwing it against the brick wall watching it shatter, this state I was in. I hated it. But I couldn’t control it. I couldn’t control these feelings, my life was nothing without Shayla.

She was my whole world,

Now she’s gone..

Reckless And The Brave; Jack BarakatDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora