the boy with the beat.

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hello my lovely readers
so this is my new fanfic
& I'm really excited but I need ideas😁
so message me or comment
I love your feedback!
thanks dearies❤️


a rhythmic tapping filtered into my ears from behind me.

i turned around to see a mischievous grin draped across ashton's face, his eyes teasing me.

"shh! i'm trying to hear the lesson!" i whispered, teeth clenched.

his curls draped over his eyebrows, green eyes looming with laughter.

i turned back around, only to feel a yank on my hair.

"ow!" i screeched, and mrs. anderson scolded, "due to your incapability to pay attention, miss evans, you and mr. irwin will be joining me in detention after school. class dismissed!"

the bell rang, and i haughtily sauntered to his desk. "are you kidding me?! you seriously had to get me in trouble like that?! what is your problem?!" i growled.

he just frowned, and his eyebrows furrowed. he trudged out of the class, his head down. 'my problem, riley evans, is that you are the love of my life, and you will never know.'

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