Chapter 18

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Kaminari arrived at the La Bella public library a bit past 3 o'clock in the afternoon. He parked his car and sat for a few minutes in the car, preparing himself mentally for whatever chaos might ensue. It was his first time showing up for work at the library since he went to Mina's house. He was feeling many things, mainly anxiety and indigestion from his crappy chicken he prepared earlier. 

Taking a deep breath, he walked into the library and then the break room, knowing that Mina was likely going to be there. Unsurprisingly, she was sitting there on one of the chairs, alone, almost like she was waiting for Kaminari to show up. He noticed her in the corner of his eye as he walked in, then pretended that she wasn't there and clocked in as he would on any other day. Ignoring her seemed to be working fairly well, that was, until she spoke up.

"Hey! What's the matter with you, Denki? Acting like you don't even know me? Come on!" she said, standing up and walking towards him. She stood beside him, and he gave her a bit of side-eye.

"Hey Mina." he said, writing down the time he showed up to work.

"Hey Mina? " she said, mocking him. "That's it, just 'hey Mina '? I figured that for someone who was so into me just a few days ago, I'd get a lot more than just some boring-ass hello." she continued.

Kaminari sighed, then turned to face her directly. He didn't appear happy at all, but rather a mixture of frustrated and scared.

"Mina, we need to talk." he said. Kaminari wasn't the best at being assertive, of the few times he can remember being assertive, one of them was the time he stood up for Kyoka on the playground back in elementary school.

"Oh I agree, Denki. I think we need to talk privately, in fact." she said, reaching her arm around him and closing the break room door shut. She pushed him against the door, then locked it. He gasped, the shove catching him off guard. 

"Agh! Mina! What the fuck? This isn't cool!" he said, trying to push her off. 

"Oh, stop resisting, Kaminari..I remember the look in your eyes when you were on top of me..I can tell you wanted even more of me.." she said, staring up at him with a carnal look in her eyes. Mina was shorter than Kaminari, but she was still quite hefty, so she was able to pin him against the door quite well. She appeared to be enjoying his struggle and attempts to break free, feeling like a predator pouncing on it's prey. 

"Mina! This isn't cool! Somebody, help!" Kaminari said, trying to call out for help or praying that someone was near the door. 

"Oh Denki, calling for help are we? should know that you and I are the only ones here right now. Everybody else left for their breaks an hour ago, so now it's just us.." she said, a devilish smile on her face. 

Mina had a lust for Denki, and wasn't going to stop until she had him again. With her chest, she had him pinned against the door, and with her hands she pinned his hands above his head. She started digging in at her prey by kissing his neck. 

"Mina, listen to me. Stop this. I have a girlfriend." he said, trying to move his head so she wouldn't kiss him. 

"Oh Denki..I'm so happy you finally see me as more than just a friend.." she said, thinking that he was talking about her.

"Not you! Her name is Kyoka! She is my girlfriend! Not you!" he replied, raising his voice.

At first, Ashido considered backing down, but the lust overtook any rational thought.

"So what? She doesn't have to know..after all, you already did your business with me, why not do it again?" she answered.

Kaminari could only move his legs, but even then he couldn't figure out how that would help him when she had such a tight hold on him. Despite what she was doing, he didn't want to hurt her, since he was always told as a child that hitting women wasn't okay. But he didn't want the same thing to happen between them again, and so after gathering enough strength, he kneed Mina in the stomach, catching her completely off-guard. 

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