Chapter 17

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Kaminari and Jirou turned around to face the voice coming from behind them. It was a man, a bit taller than Kaminari, wearing a dark tuxedo. He was wearing sunglasses, and he appeared a bit like someone from Men in Black or an agent from The Matrix.

"Hello Denki, Kyoka." the man said, taking his sunglasses off. He pulled out a dark blue handkerchief from his breast pocket and wiped off the left lens of his sunglasses. He had somewhat short brown hair that was combed to the side, looking quite formal. Which was odd, because he didn't look like he was from this town at all, plus it was quite hot out to be wearing all of that clothing.

"Uh, who are you?" Denki asked, confused as to who this guy standing strangely behind them was.

"That's not particularly important at the moment, Mr. Kaminari. You're both looking for the boy, no? Kenji?" he asked.

Denki took a step back, surprised that this dude knew both his first and last name. Kyoka felt like her insides were being ripped apart. Hearing this suspicious man utter her brother's name sent shivers down her spine. Now she knew that this man was responsible, or at least knew who was responsible for her brother's disappearance.

"What do you know about him! Where is he? What have you done with him?" Kyoka asked, trying to walk towards the man. Denki held her back and prevented her from attacking him, however. Kaminari noticed the man had a gun holster, and figured this was not someone to mess with.

"Easy now, your questions will be answered. But you'll need to come with me to find out those answers," the man said, looking around as though he didn't want to be heard by anyone else.

"Why should we go with you? How do we know you won't kidnap us like you kidnapped my brother?" Kyoka asked.

"You don't have to come with me. Nobody's forcing you to, Ms. Jirou. But if you want to see your brother again, it would be a wise decision to consider." the man replied, putting his sunglasses back on his face. 

Kyoka tilted her head up to look at Kaminari, sort of to ask, 'what do we do?'. Kaminari understood the gesture, and he replied with a nod. The pair walked towards the man, who then turned around and started walking in a direction, away from where their car was and through a passage between the trees.

They must've walked for 20 minutes before coming across what appeared to be a large warehouse or factory of some kind. It looked quite dated, evident by the overgrown foliage on the sides of the building. It appeared as though it had been abandoned long ago. The man walked up to one of the back doors of the warehouse and opened it. He held the door open for them, but Kaminari and Jirou didn't want to walk in first. 

"What's the matter?" the man asked.

"You walk in first." Kaminari said.

"I'm not going to lock you in here, if that's what you're worried about." the man said. Regardless, he walked in first, and waited for Kaminari and Jirou to enter. They walked in, and he closed the door behind them. 

"So, what even is this place?" Jirou asked.

"This used to be a sugarcane factory. First opened 120 years ago, it belonged to the Del Mar Sugar Company." the man said, walking a bit away from the door towards some large rusted containers. The pair followed him as he spoke, looking around at the dusty and worn-out factory interior.

"The company shut down in the 50s as a more modern facility was built a bit further away. As a result, this factory was abandoned for decades, collecting dust and vegetation. It was quiet," he said, before stopping and turning around to face the two. "until 4 years ago."

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