Chapter 14

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After an hour passed and the rain had not died down, Kaminari and Jirou decided it was best to call off their investigation for the day. Kaminari drove Kyoka back to her apartment, to which she asked if he wanted to spend the night again. 

"Hey, are you sure you don't want to spend the night? It's not a problem with me." Jirou said.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Hey listen, I really appreciate all of this, Kyoka. I really do." Kaminari said, holding onto Jirou's hand. The two shared a kiss, and a bit after, Kyoka left his car, waving goodbye to him as he drove off. 

He went to Baidar's guesthouse and kicked off his shoes, relaxing on the couch in the living room. He remembered that tomorrow he had work again at 8 AM, so he wanted to get a good night's sleep before he was back to the usual.

The next morning, Kaminari went about his business as usual, taking a long shower to cleanse himself, both physically and mentally. During it, he remembered the words that Baidar said to him when he was first brought to the village.

"Very soon, this will all feel like a bad dream." 

Kaminari definitely felt like that now. He clocked in to work at 8:02, and that was when Ashido surprised him by popping up right behind him.

"Good morning Denki! Lovely weather we're having, right?" she said.

"Ah! Oh, hi Mina. You're especially excited today." Kaminari said, taking his jacket off and placing it on an empty chair.

"Yup! I just wanted to come with the best and most positive attitude I could! No point coming to work if you're all grumpy, right?" she asked.

"I guess not," Kaminari said, smiling at her positive attitude. He looked through the planner for the day, looking at what books needed to be put back today.

"Listen Denki, I was wondering, did you want to go eat lunch together? For our break?" Mina asked, her fingers together.

"Sure, that sounds cool! Did you have any place in mind? I haven't been able to try that little cafe on Main Street yet." Kaminari said, looking up from the paper.

"We could go there, sure!" Ashido replied.

"Cool. Meet you back here at 11:30?" Denki asked.

"You can count on it!" Mina said, happily skipping out of the break room. Kaminari shook his head and smiled, and continued on with his workday.

When 11:30 came by, he found Ashido waiting for him patiently outside the break room. She was holding his jacket for him already, and waved to him as he approached.

"Hey there! I got your jacket for you." she said, handing it over to him.

"Oh wow, thanks Mina. I appreciate it!" Kaminari said, tying it around his waist since it was already quite warm outside.

"Mhm!" she said, smiling. It was then that Denki noticed how she was dressed today, which was different than her typical look. Her 'typical' look was plain, like a long-sleeved shirt and jeans, but not today. She was going for a more sexy look, wearing a crop top and shorts, wrapped together in a wool cardigan. She also wore eyeliner and put on lip gloss, a departure from her more reserved and 'nerdy' look. 

"Woah, you're looking especially good today, Ashido." Kaminari said, not thinking with his head but instead with know.

"Oh, really? Thanks.." Ashido said, smirking and turning around, sort of strutting out of the library. Kaminari smiled and followed her, and the two walked to the cafe together.

They made it there and ordered their food, the two choosing to sit outside since there was no AC inside, and the breeze was cool enough in the shade of an umbrella placed over one of the tables.

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