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My peaceful stroll gets interrupted when I hear muffled screaming through my earphones. I open my eyes to see what the whole fuss is about and see a sales cart rolling towards me, and before I even get a chance to react someone comes running at me with full force knocking both of us to the ground.

My head makes hard impact against the pavement and I groan as I feel my body being pressed down by someone's weight. "I'm so sorry," I hear a deep  smooth voice call out. "Are you okay?"

I slowly open my eyes and stare into the eyes of a stranger, and my body freezes. Everything goes silent around us as our eyes stay connected on one another. It's dark outside but somehow I can see his pupils dilating as we continue sinking further into each other's presence.

It seems like time has stopped and allowed me to indulge in the stranger on top of me. It feels like we've been in this position for an eternity yet at the same time it doesn't feel like enough time. I want him without knowing him, yet I see something I fear in him. Something I've been running away from for years. Myself. As if I can see my life flash within his eyes.

I close my eyes and shake my head snapping me out of it. What the hell am I even thinking? Maybe I hit my head too hard. There's no way I would have these kind of thoughts about someone. Specially someone who just tried to kill me. Maybe Yoongi is right and I prefer being with people I know could be toxic. Or in this case homicidal. Maybe it's a new kink. Either way I'm not interested in dwelling much longer in my earlier thoughts.

"Can you hear me?" The deep sultry voice interrupts my inner monologue. That's it! It's his voice. It must've been his voice to make me think of such ridiculous things. "Sir? Do you understand me?"

"Of course I can," I say. "Now get off me you asshole," I shove him off me. He stands up and offers me his hand which I smack away. "I can get myself up. No help needed from my could be killer," I glare at him.

I get up too quickly and grab on to my throbbing head. I feel the stranger's hands grab my shoulders as if trying to keep me steady. "I said I don't need your help!" I yell shoving him away.

"Okay. I get it," he holds his hands up in surrender and takes a step back. "You're not a fan of being saved."

"Saved?" I scoff. "You could've killed me," I say rubbing the back of my head. "Who the hell tackles a complete stranger in the middle of the street?"

"The kind of person saving said stranger from getting run over by a cart running down the middle of the street," he argues.

"Well you did a shit job," I reply.

"Wow, that's what you say to someone who took you out of harm's way? That cart would've crushed you. You would've gotten more than just a small headache being hit by it."

"Would've been a lot better than the headache you're contributing to right now," I argue.

He continues staring at me and rubs his chin as if mockingly thinking of something. "You know what you need?" He questions. "Something sweet, like ice cream. Maybe then you'll liven up a little. Have some fun."

I scoff clearly getting offended. "I'm fun," I defend myself. "And just so you know I live plenty. As a matter of fact I am the sun. Yeah, you heard right. I'm the fucking sun. And you can suck it," I rant.

He stares at me for a few seconds before he starts laughing. My mouth hangs open in disbelief. This man really tried to kill me, said I'm not fun and is now laughing at me. "That was amazing," he replies wiping his eyes. "Not gonna lie. Wasn't having the best day, but you just made it a whole lot better."

I purse my lips and glare at him. "Well that makes one of us whose day was able to turn around." I pick my phone off the floor thanking the universe that it's still intact and start walking away from him.

I reach the end of the sidewalk and wait for the sign that tells me I can walk across the road when I hear someone walk beside me.

"What do you want Ted Bundy?" I ask already recognizing the stranger.

"Ted Bundy? Isn't that a little harsh?"

"Seems to fit you just fine to me," I reply. "Both charming and killers."

"You think I'm charming?" He smirks.

I turn to him and raise my eyebrows. "I called you a killer as well."

"I don't take it to heart. I know I saved your life."

I roll my eyes and cross my arms. "What do you want?"

"Isn't it obvious?" He questions. "We're going for ice cream." My eye twitches as he works my last nerve. "And before you say no, let me just clarify that yes. I'm buying. Think of it as an apology, for almost 'killing' you. Even though I clearly saved your ass."

I think about his proposition. On one hand it is dangerous. What if he really is homicidal. On the other I get free ice cream. If I die I'll at least be dying eating my favorite treat.

"Fine, as long as you're buying."

"I'm Kim Taehyung by the way," he says extending his hand.

I hesitate but eventually grab it with my own. "Kim Seokjin."

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