Bound In Ruins- Chapter 12

Comincia dall'inizio

I felt my breathing quicken at the look of him.

"Hey," I breathed out.

I saw his jaw tighten and he looked at me head to toe, causing me to blush.

Laughing nervously, he reached out to grab my hand.

Kissing it quickly, he spoke. "You're stunning."

I bit on my lip, "Thank you."

"Bloody hell, Soph. You're trying to kill me." He spoke, placing my horsehead against his lips.

"No, that I'm not. You look incredible," I told him as he pulled away.

He shot me a huge grin, "Had to clean up for the lady. Needed to put those posh people to shame tonight."

Nodding in agreement, I tugged on his hand. "You ready?"

"Let's get going," he agreed, walking us down the steps and into the limo.

"Wow, your uncle didn't mess around. You mentioned that you came from a well-made family but this seems like a whole other level," He stated laughing nervously as we entered the limo.

I shot him a weak smile.

I hadn't told him details about just how rich or well-known my family was in the area, but I never though it mattered.

Shutting the door behind us, the ride over the upper east side had been quite long. Xander seemed nervous and I kept squeezing his hand in reassurance.

"You're going to be fine, seriously. Don't worry about it. We won't even stay long, just have to show face really." I told him as we pulled up to the Grand Hotel, a property my family company owned.

My uncle was running the organization, just until I was old enough to take complete control.

Nodding his head slowly, he shot me a wink. I knew he was trying his best to mask his nerves, yet I could sense just how tense he was.

Walking out first, he held out the door for me and instantly grabbed my hand.

There were cameras everywhere, but I paid them no mind. I doubted they would be interested in me any way as the star of tonight's charity show were the celebrity guests that James Industries invited to raise money towards.

Every Thanksgiving, James Industries hosted a Charity Gala with a bunch of famous guests to raise money for the less fortunate. Thanksgiving was tomorrow, and this was tradition for years.

"Just where exactly are we headed?" He asked as we walked inside the hotel.

Gripping onto his hand tightly, I led him straight to the ballroom where I knew the event was being held at.

"Sophia!" I heard a male say. I looked closer ahead and saw my uncle beaming at me as he walked over.

"Uncle Calum!" I stated excitedly.

Hugging me tight, I felt relieved.

"You made it," he replied.

"Of course I did. Wouldn't have missed it for the world," I told him pulling away.

Pulling Xander's hand back in mine, I squeezed it to reassure him.

"Uncle Calum, this is Alexander." I stated introducing them.

Shaking his hand firmly, Xander spoke, "It's good to finally meet you, sir. Sophia has spoken so highly of you."

My uncle shot me a wink, "I could say the same about you. It's good to meet you as well. I'm happy to hear that Sophia has met some great friends at school."

Bound In RuinsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora