"Oh, (Y/N), you're here?" Alyssa asks, looking over at her ex.

"I am, Alyssa." She coldly responds, making me hold back a small laugh.

The way her mood just shifted is hilarious.

"Shouldn't you be like at work?" She asks.

"Last time I checked, that's none of your business." (Y/N) doesn't even look at her when she responds.

"How's my paper, Ms. McGrath?" Alyssa shifts her attention back to me.

"It's alright." I lie. "I would recommend you going over it at least two more times." I say more truthfully.

"Could you help me do it?" She asks.

"Um...I have my hands full at the moment." I lie, not bothering to help her. This paper wasn't even an assignment for my class, so I'm not responsible for helping her at all.


"I'm confident that you're smart enough to pinpoint your errors." I say, handing back her paper.

She takes it from me. "That ring looks great on you." She smirks and I catch the brief moment when she looks at (Y/N).

I stay silent as I just smile at her.

"I know that guy will make you the happiest. And you already seem happy with him, so just stay with him." She adds.

"I would like to ask nicely for you to please keep out of my life. Unless it has something to do with school, grades, and teaching, don't ever comment about my world outside these walls. Thank you." I give her a fake smile.

"Excuse me? I don't see any harm in saying that Mr. Smith makes you happy." She retorts back.

"Alyssa, drop it!" (Y/N)'s shout catches me by surprise, and Alyssa throws daggers at me with her eyes.

"Leave. Now." (Y/N) demands as she stands up from her seat.

Alyssa starts to exit the room, and (Y/N) follows after her.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I ask Alyssa when I close the classroom's door.

"I'm fine. What about you?" She rolls her eyes.

"There is nothing going on between her and I so leave us alone for God's sake." I say through gritted teeth.

"I doubt it." She scoffs. "You need to back off and let her be happy." She adds.

"Why do you keep pushing, Alyssa? Why?" I clench my jaw.

"Because I hate the way you look at her." She whispers.

"And that's not your business. So stop it." I finish.

"So there is something going on." She accuses, raising her eyebrows.

"I'm tired of repeating the same thing over and over again. She. Is. Just. My. Teacher. Is that clear enough for you to understand? Or do I need to translate it to fifty other languages?" I sarcastically say.

"Stay away from her or you'll regret it later." She threatens before taking off.


I ignore it and go back inside.

"Is everything okay?" Katie immediately asks, concern in her voice.

"Yes, everything is fine." I lie.

I stay silent for a little bit before picking my stuff up from the ground, "Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure." She eyes me.

"Be honest with me, okay?"

She nods her head as she stands from her seat. She walks around the desk and leans on it.

"Are you really happy with him?" I sound ridiculous asking that question but I can't shrug the bothersome feeling Alyssa left me with.

"What? Are you seriously asking that?" Katie laughs.

"I am." I shrug.

"You sound ridiculous." She stands straight, pulling my shirt and kissing me passionately.

"Does that answer your question?" She raises her eyebrow as we pull away.

I smile and nod.

"What about you? Are you seeing anyone?" She asks, raising her eyebrow again.

"Of course not." I reply, shocked that she would even ask. "Why?"

"Just making sure you're completely mine." She smirks, crossing her arms.

"I have a request, though." I say.

"What is it?"

"Take that ring off already. It's pure torture." I beg, whining at the same time.

"Really?" She's amused by my behavior.

"Si, por favor." I pout.

"Can I torture you more?" She smirks.

"Depends what you mean." I smirk back.

"I'm not taking it off." She says.

"No! Please do so." I give her puppy dog eyes.

"Do the honors." She finally says, sticking her left hand out.

"My pleasure." I say, sliding the ring off with a wide smile on my face.

A Dreamy Reality - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now