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I still remember his handsome face
The way he smiles, his face so bright
All these angles I cannot trace
It was a beautiful sight.

I can never forget his bloody face
They nearly split from one another
The moment he died, we didn't see any trace
And now, he's gone forever.

Before that day, I called him
And he makes me happy
I didn't know that it will be my last conversation with him
Later that night, I heard the news about him and it was getting creepy

I don't know what to say, what to do
I wanted to cry and yell but I couldn't
I ignore their senseless ado
Because it can't bring him back, it couldn't.

Is this a punishment for me as a mother?
I took care of him for nineteen years
And now, he's gone, totally gone
How can I forget him when I'm all alone?

Author's note: This is from the mother's point of view. I have written this two years ago and I just want to share this with every mother who experiences hardships. One of my friends, Nica, asked me to write this because she knows someone who lost her son in a car accident. It was a tribute to how brave the mother was.

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