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Bakugo stared in annoyance at the two maidens trying to take his measurements. He wasn't having it in the slightest. "Touch me again with that and i'll kill you!" His hands sparked up as a warning. The omega was finally healed enough to use his quirk again and he loved every second of it. Midoriya not so much as the boy would now have to endure his outrages with his powerful quirk.

"L-look prince Katsuki were only doing what the king re-" "SHUT UP! I DON'T CARE WHAT THAT DAMN FLAMING DUMBASS ASKED!" He snarled out, his eyes stared into the maidens with a menacing look. "Y-you shouldn't speak to your future fath-" The girl squeaked as she quickly jumped back from the explosion. "That flaming dumbass is no old man of mine! Now get out before I make promise on killing you."

The two maidens quickly rushed out, they were terrified of the ash-blonde, they honestly felt bad for their future king having to marry that. "K-Kacchan you didn't have to be so harsh-" Deku grimace at the omegas aggressive tone. "Shut it shitty Deku did I say you could talk to me?!" Bakugo hand twitched as many popping explosions ignited from it. "N-no K-kacchan... s-sorry sire." Deku muttered rubbing his thumbs together as he avoid his princes' gaze.

"Don't talk unless I tell you to or else i'll kill you nerd!" The omega set back down on his bed with his arms crossed. Deku oblige the omegas demand as he sat down on his bed staring at the ground in silence. "Stupid flaming bastard, stupid shitty hair cheater, stupid icyhot! Trying to get me dressed up for some stupid fucking dinner! As if I'd follow up with that!"

Midoriya just listen to the boy vent as he only frowned. He didn't like seeing Bakugo out of his element, in fact Deku had admired the boy since they were kids.. but to see him so frustrated being considerably force to follow other peoples desires, it really upset the greenette.

Soon Midoriya got off the bed as he started heading to the door. The ash-blonde eyed over at him as he cocked a brow. "Oi were do you think your going Deku?" Bakugo questioned.

Midoriya stared at him as a sigh left his lips. "Unless you want to be prodded at with measuring equipments.. I think its best if I just tell them myself Kacchan. I wouldn't want them to use your family as a threat again.." midoriya mutter out the last part but Bakugo was no idiot. In fact it pissed him off to think Midoriya would think so weak of him.

"Your saying I cant fight my own fuckin Battles deku? How bout I blast that shitty face and show you otherwise shitty nerd!" Bakugo got up from his bed as the boys faced pale a bit quickly waving his hands frantically. "O-of course not K-kacchan that wasn't it at all! I'm sorry!" The boy pleaded out his apology.

The omega stared at him as he stop in his tracks. As much as he wanted to blast the nerd, he didn't like the idea of being forced to be measured.. and let alone give more reason for the flaming bastard to make promise on his threat. "...tch.. don't be long stupid nerd." Midoriya smiled a bit as he turned to open the door. He had gotten an idea on when the door would be open and locked, after all Bakugo wasn't the only one whose been observing. "Don't worry Kacchan." Midoriya left the room leaving the Omega to be alone once again.

The greenette swallowed staring at the two guards outside the door. He should of expected the heighten security due to Bakugos outrage, but it still made him nervous. "H-hey! Um.. I w-wanted to find the maidens that were taking Kacchan measurements... I know them so I figured I could be of some help.." Midoriya explained as he glanced back and forth from the two other betas. The both glanced at each other as they started to conversate towards Midoriyas request.

"You sure this is such a good idea? He could be lying about this!" The one knight with purple hair and glasses bickered with the other. "C'mon man he seems harmless, beside its very obvious that they won't be getting that suit custom made without finding the measurements of the damn alpha in there." The straight black haired beta pointed out as he glanced back at Midoriya. "It seems suspicious!" The purpled haired knight exclaim. Midoriya blinked staring back and forth from the two. He sighed quietly as he shifted his weight from foot to foot waiting for them to be finish. It wasn't long till another presence came into view, having the two knights bow down.

"Whats with all the talking?" Shoto muttered as he glanced at the two knights before moving his gaze onto Midoriya. The greenette eyes widen coming to realization as this was the prince- no- the future king of this kingdom. He frantically bowed sputtering out apologies. This amused the prince as he faced his two knights. "Why is he out of the room? Didn't Kirishima lock the door?" Shoto question as his gaze drifted right back onto the greenette. "He did sire but it was unlocked for the maidens.. hes out because he wants to give them the measurements personally sense the boy refused to be examined.." The one with the glasses explained, the black haired one only nodded in agreement.

"Then i'll escort him personally myself." Shoto held a hand out to the greenette. "Iida, Sero keep guard on the door understood?" The two knights nodded in unison. Midoriya stared at the prince as he glanced at the hand. "..Are you going to take it? Or is this not a thing you'd do in your kingdom?" Shoto muttered confused at the boys hesitation. Midoriya cheeks tinted a shade of red in embarrassment, he quickly grab the boys hand glancing at him. "No its not that! Just startled me thats all."

The prince frowned a bit as he held the boys hand, he started to make the walk towards the dressing rooms. "..Is it not normal?.. My siblings do this all the time really.." Shoto muttered as he glanced to see the greenettes expression.

Midoriya sighed a bit not use to having his hand held in a gentle way. The only who did was his mother Inko, but even so he was mostly just dragged around by Bakugo all his life. Sometimes it would leave bruises and he'd have to hide it from the explosive prince.

"Its just.. in the kingdom were i'm use to its very.. loud and explosive to say the least." The greenette explained, a soft frowned formed on his lips. He did miss the kingdom, believe or not the loud aggressive family did somehow put him at ease.

This gave Shoto an uneasy feeling but he pushed it aside. "My name is Shoto Todoroki. Whats yours?"

"Izuku Midoriya, but sometimes Kacchan calls me Deku.." Midoriya smiled some as he looked at the prince. "..Kacchan?..." Shoto muttered confused at the unfamiliar name. "Oh! Uh.. Katsuki Bakugo.. We both kinda gave each other child nicknamed and had them ever since.." Midoriya explained as he scratched the back of his head with a free hand.

"Ah.. I see.." Shoto muttered quietly as they both went silent continued their walk down the hallway.

Midoriya looked back at the prince gazing at his features. He was filled with compassion towards the Alphas kindness. A part of him was almost happy to see that Kacchan could be courting with someone like him.. even if he wasn't up to the idea. He continued to analyze the features of the other Alpha, from the way he walked, how his arms were shaped to the outline of his muscle.

This amused Shoto as he caught the boy considerably eye raping him, but he pretend not to acknowledge it. Thought his next question did catch the prince off guard.

"What happened to your left eye?"

It almost startled Shoto having to revive that past memory. His hair quickly covering his eyes as he released Midoriyas hand. "Don't worry about it..Look were here. Right through those doors."

Midoriya frowned at the response, feeling guilt within his chest as he knew he must of reopened an old wound. "..Thank you for walking me Todoroki-kun.." He muttered as he open the doors walking through.

The prince sighed watching the doors close behind the greenette as he set his hand over the mark. "This isn't necessary for you to know."

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