Chapter 2

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You still stood behind the rim of the door, watching as Rodan slowly walked off, his head still hanging low.

Your heart swirled in remorse for the now injured kaiju, you just had to know that he was alright... You picked up your (F/C) backpack and drew the straps over your shoulders, throwing your hood over your (H/C) hair and stepping out of the door.

You stayed flattened against the wall, making sure that none of Ghidorah's watchful heads saw you. The right head's gaze swooped over your direction, and you threw yourself into the cover of a trashcan beside you, crouching down.

After a few moments of waiting, you peeked out of the trashcan's cover, seeing that the right head had taken his eyes off your road. You immediately crawled out of your cover, then stood up, dashing off back in your route.

It was a long journey, but then you later made it near the volcano. You saw a dark-red back beside the volcano, surrounded with trees, rising and falling with its breathing. There he was; Rodan.

With your hands holding your hood over your head, you quickly ran in that direction, looking up to see if any of the heads would see you. Then, you made it to the very first tree in front of you. Now calm, you slowed your hasty pace, walking past a series of tall trees and palms.

There he was, lying down on his side with one wing spread out and the other folded up. You slowly approached the front of the giant Fire Demon, standing in front of his beak and staring solemnly at him. After a few moments, Rodan opened up his eyes, then stared straight back at you with his burning golden gaze.

You flinched a bit as you looked back at him, even backed off. But the Fire Demon had no violent reaction to your presence, only curled up and hid his beak under his stretched-out wing.

Okay, I know something's wrong, birdie. You narrowed your eyes at the red kaiju, then started to walk around him, investigating what portion of him would be injured. After a few minutes, you found that there had been a bleeding cut on his leg.

You gasped, covering your mouth, and staring solemnly at the wound, with boiling magma-like blood slowly pouring out. You immediately ran back to the city, again avoiding Ghidorah's watchful heads, then made your way back.

I need to find something to stop his blood from flowing...

You walked through the whole street, searching for a temporary bandage for Rodan's injured leg. You then saw a fabric banner hanging on the second floor of a building, one side still pinned to the wall and the other dangling down.


You rushed over to it, giving it a few tugs before it ripped off of the nail. You inspected the banner, noticing the corner had a cake print on it, then you looked across the whole banner, discovering a message that said: "Come And Eat Our Delicious Pasteries At Johnson Brothers!"

Funny, I was just there.

You stuffed about a quarter of it — because the banner was long and wide — in your backpack then carried the rest of the cloth in your hands. You made your way to the edge of the city... ((SIGHHHHH)) then avoided—




As you continued over to the resting kaiju.

(Lololol I HAD to do that-)

Rodan was still lying in his same position, with his beak under his wing, his golden eyes shut tight. You carefully made your way over to his bleeding leg, assuming that he was asleep, and dragging the banner with you.

You threw one half of the long cloth over the wound to the other side, then tried to tuck the other half under his leg. Unfortunately, it was too heavy for you to lift up so that you could pass your end to the other side for you to tie up. You huffed, how could you do this now?

And somehow, as if you were asking nicely, Rodan's leg lifted up. You turned to see that Rodan was looking at you plainly as if it was a silent "Are you happy now?" message. You just smiled back at him and bounded over to the cloth, pushing it under and rushing to the other side, taking both ends and tying it tightly together to apply pressure on the stinging pain.

Rodan lowered his leg back down as you walked back to the other side. You looked at Rodan's weary gaze staring back at you. Then, taking up all your courage, you threw back your hood and revealed your head to the Fire Demon. Then, you approached the pteranodon's beak, softly petting him.

"It will all be okay..." You whispered assuringly to the weary Fire Demon as his golden eyes slowly closed.

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