So Wrong But Yet So Right (AU) (Part 4)

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So Wrong But Yet So Right (AU) (Part 4)

One Shot #20

Bruce's POV

That evening...

 I only had about an hour's worth of homework today, twenty minute vocabulary flashcards for Psychology and the basic outline for the scene we're in the process of acting out in Theater. The infamous confession scene from 'The Half Of It.' My group consists of Steve, a new girl in our class named Pepper, and myself. Steve is playing Paul, Pepper is playing Astrid, and I'm playing Ellie. Me being the male version of Ellie is honestly quite fitting. I have a VERY small inner circle and everyone else either makes fun of me or stays far away. I don't exactly come from money and it often shows in how I dress. My style is very basic and casual. I'm just glad to have Steve and Thor to get me through the hell hole that is high school each day. 

    I just finished dinner. My mom made stir fry rice and vegetable noodles dishes for us. My dad has been out of the picture for years now. One day he decided that he didn't want to be a parent and a husband anymore... and just walked away. He took every piece of memorabilia with him, well except what little he ever gave us. My mom and I are the better for it honestly but that doesn't mean that I don't feel guilty for my mom having to be both mother and father to me. Now that I'm eighteen though, the burden isn't as heavy on her as it was when I was younger. I'm brushing and flossing my teeth... then I'm going to call Mr. Stark... I mean Tony. I'm not used to calling a teacher by their first name. He's not most teachers though and I'm really grateful for that. 

      I scroll through my contacts and hit 'call' once I get to his name. He picks up on the third ring. "Bruce, how are you darling? It's good to hear from you!" I blush tremendously, it's a good thing no one can see my face right now, especially him. "Hi Tony. I'm doing good. I only had an hour's worth of homework. I did get the basic outline done for the confession scene from 'The Half Of It.' Steve and Pepper reviewed my edits as well and added in some notes. We'll create the final draft of it tomorrow in class before we start practicing acting it out." I can picture him beaming his thousand watt smile through the phone. "I never doubt your work ethic for a minute Bruce. That's the reason why you're class valedictorian and many are so envious of you." 

        I gasp. "They are?" He chuckles. "Yes. People often gossip about those they strive to be like. They're jealous that they're nowhere near your level intellectually. You also have a wonderful spirit. Don't let anyone ever take that away from you. Okay?" People don't say nice things to me a lot so I'm getting a little tear eyed. "That was really kind of you to say Tony, thank you." "You're very welcome Bruce." The two of us continue to talk for another half an hour about our favorite movies, general likes and dislikes, etc. It's getting a little late and the both of us have things to do before bed. Well mainly Tony but still. "Have a good night Tony. See you tomorrow." "Same to you Bruce. Sleep well and see you in class." I hang up the phone with the dorkiest grin on my face. That man doesn't have a clue as to what he does to me. Tomorrow and the coming days will be interesting in class...

I hope that you guys liked this part of this one shot! :) -Mary

Tin Can and the Science Man (Tony Stark x Bruce Banner One Shot Series)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora