Envy Is Green

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Envy Is Green

One Shot #6

Bruce's POV

   I just witnessed Pepper flirting with Tony... and I'm incredibly pissed. I had to flee the area so I wouldn't hurt anyone before the big guy could come out. It's only when I'm in an empty field outside of the city that I allow Hulk to lash out in the way that he does best, by smashing everything in sight. As Hulk, my exhaustion levels don't spike as fast they do when I'm Bruce. I go on like this for nearly an hour before the sound of someone flying over me snaps me out of my rage... temporarily. Behind Hulk's exterior, my eyes panic when I see that it's Tony. I really don't want to hurt him.

     Hulk roars loudly at him but Tony doesn't even flinch. Instead, he simply lands in front of me and gets out of his suit. I absolutely adore this man but his insanity concerns me a bit. Tony continues to gaze up at me without any fear in his eyes. He's the only person who isn't afraid of me at all, even when I'm the other guy. "Hey there big guy, what's got your so upset?" Hulk has taken over me completely and does both the rest of the talking and thinking right now. "Hulk is mad because Tony likes a pretty girl." He raises an eyebrow at me. "Wait what? What are you talking about Hulk?" I try to imitate Pepper coming onto him and he gasps in realization. "Oh my god, she was hitting on me." I roll my eyes and plop down onto the ground, crossing my large arms across my large chest. 

       A minute later, Tony plops down in front of me. His expression is soft and even Hulk can't stay mad at that face for long. Tony has grown a lot on Hulk too over the years. "Hulk, I'm so sorry that I was the cause of you being upset. I swear that I didn't mean to hurt your feelings nor did I mean to hurt Bruce's. If you'll allow me to tell him that too soon, I would really appreciate it." I sigh and motion for him to come closer to me. "It's okay Tony." Tony gives my arm a gentle hug and I use my other one to hug him back. As Hulk, I begin to calm down enough to begin to turn back into myself. It takes me a few minutes to catch my breath but before I know it, I'm staring into Tony's eyes as myself rather than as Hulk. 

      I laugh nervously. "S-So I guess the secret's out. I'm so sorry you had to witness that Tony. I'm so frigging embarrassed that I had a temper tantrum. Who you like and see romantically is entirely up to you." Tony smirks at me. "I actually found that temper tantrum to be kind of sexy." I blush like a tomato and look at him in shock. "Y-You what?" He chuckles. "You said who I like is entirely up to me, so let me tell you who I like." He moves closer to me and massages my chest. I moan in pleasure and he smirks at me yet again before pressing his lips onto mine. I'm too stunned to kiss back right away but I eventually I get my lips moving to kiss him back. I've longed for this moment for years. 

       When the kiss ends, I'm still staring at him in shock. "You like me?" He nods. "I really do Bruce. Right after you fled, I told Pepper to politely back off because I already had my sights set on someone else, that being you. You're the person I'd really like to date. Will you go out with me Bruce?" I give him a shy smile. "I'd love to Tony." He gives me a shy smile back and the two of us cuddle in the middle of the empty field before he helps me get dressed and we head back home, hand in hand, content, as boyfriends. 

I hope that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 


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