So Wrong But Yet So Right (AU) (Part 1)

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So Wrong But Yet So Right  (AU) (Part 1)

One Shot #20

Tony's POV

  This is my first year teaching as a theater teacher at Bristol Community High School in Bristol, New York (Upstate New York). In my four months of teaching at this school, I've grown quite attached to it. Most of my students are cool and very few are thorns in my sides. That's honestly a blessing for a first year teacher at a new school such as myself. I taught theater at my previous high school in Waltham, Massachusetts for five years before switching here. Bristol offered me more money and I just couldn't refuse. I'm thirty five years old now and the bills are only increasing with age. 

     During this time, I've also grown close with my favorite student, but I don't publicize that he's my favorite. His name is Bruce Banner. He's an eighteen year old senior that chose to take theater as an elective to get him out of his comfort zone. He's quite shy and normally hides behind books and/or beakers and test tubes in the science lab. He's quite the chemist, I've seen him in action a few times when I lingered out in the hallway in between classes. He's also valedictorian of his class and it shows. Intelligence is such an attractive trait to me... I'm Bisexual by the way. I came out on my first day teaching here to everyone so no one could give me any flack about my sexuality down the road. Everyone is very accepting and doesn't make a big deal about it. 

       Speaking of Bruce Banner, he's absolutely adorable. He mainly keeps to himself but he does socialize with a couple of nice students of mine, Steve Rogers and Thor Odinson. The three of them are quite the trio. I'm glad that he doesn't shut himself out from society completely. I know people can be complete dicks but there are some good people out there, you just have to search for them sometimes. Bruce sometimes stays after class and spends his lunch break with me instead of his friends. It's incredibly flattering and I do enjoy our chats. When I catch him walking in the hall, I always make sure to greet him. This is going to sound wrong... but I think I may have a crush on him. Teachers shouldn't develop feelings for their students. Yes Bruce is eighteen but he's still my student for a few more months. Not only would I not want to lose my job, but I wouldn't want to see him get in trouble. I just need to shove these feelings deep down inside and hope they go away. 

         When the bell rings which signals the end of class, Bruce and his friends linger behind for a couple of extra minutes chatting and gathering their belongings. They all smile at me and say "Great lesson today" in unison. I smile back at them. "I'm glad you thought so. You all did a great job acting out the improv scene I assigned you the other day. Before you head to lunch, may I speak with Bruce for a minute?" Bruce's expression shifts to one of anxiety. His hands begin to shake and he grips the edge of a desk to steady himself. "A-Am I in trouble?" I look at him in concern as do Steve and Thor. "No of course not. I just would like to run a lesson plan by you actually." Steve and Thor make sure Bruce is calm before they leave the room to give us some privacy. When they're gone, I begin to tense up slightly.

          The irony is now Bruce is asking me if I'm okay. I give him a nervous smile. "I'm fine, thank you for asking Bruce. What the lesson plan consists of next week revolves around different interpretations of the confession scene from that new movie "The Half Of It" on Netflix. I watched that film the other day as have several people in the class. Have you watched it?" He gives me a shy smile. "I have and I absolutely loved it. I think it's a great idea, as long as there is some flexibility in choosing scene partners." I nod. "There will be. It'll be six groups of three, though I may have to split up your friend group by one third. Is that okay?" I nod. "That's fine. I don't talk to the girls in class much but they're always polite enough to me. I can handle it Mr. Stark, thank you for asking me though. I suffer from anxiety badly which you've probably figured out by now so it means a lot."

          His kind soul radiates such warmth in me. "Anytime Bruce. Now go off and have lunch. Your friends miss you already and I bet you're starving." His stomach growls and he blushes, causing me to chuckle. "Point proven. See you later Bruce." He nods with a smile before leaving my classroom. I stare at him fondly as he heads off with Steve and Thor. I sigh to myself, I really want that precious boy to be mine eventually...

I hope that you guys liked this part of this one shot! :) -Mary

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