COVID-19 (Part 2)

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COVID-19 (Part 2)

One Shot #12 (Cont.)

Tony's POV

The next day...

  I finally wake up for the first time... in at least over twenty four hours. The only time I would wake up was to go to the bathroom... twice in which I accidentally wet the bed and Patsy had to change it. She didn't object to doing so though, bless her kind soul. Speaking of kind souls, I'm wondering where Bruce is. As my eyes adjust to the bright sunlight shining through the window, I shift my gaze sideways, to find Bruce snoring in a recliner right outside a glass barrier separating the two of us. I smile sadly. Knowing him, he's probably been here morning, noon, and night. I love that man so much. He truly has my heart. 

     I take my time waking up before paging Patsy. When she enters the room, she's surprised to see me awake. "Mr. Stark, you're awake. It's a pleasant surprise. How are you feeling?" I cough louder than I want to. "My chest hurts like hell, I'm feverish, and a little lightheaded, but beyond that, not too bad. How's Bruce doing?" She gives me a tired smile. "He's been here every minute of the day. The only time he leaves that chair is to go the bathroom or grab a drink and snack, if I don't grab some first for him that is." I would laugh but it hurts too much to do so right now. "I can imagine. Thank you for all you're doing for me and countless other patients Patsy. You and the other medical staff are real heroes." 

        Patsy blushes a bit. "Thank you Mr. Stark. You and the other Avengers of course are true heroes too. We wouldn't survive as a human race sometimes without you all. I hope you make a smooth recovery, it'll take time but I believe you'll be okay." I give her a gentle pat on the hand. "If Bruce is out cold, which it looks like he is, don't wake him up just yet despite me being awake. He doesn't sleep much and he needs all of the rest that he can get." She nods. "Understood. Are you hungry or thirsty at all?" "Hungry, no. Thirsty, yes. Could I have a cup of ginger ale?" "You got it. I'll be right back." She steps out and I turn my gaze onto Bruce yet again. I watch his chest steadily rise and fall through the glass. His curly hair is unkempt and wilder than ever. The grey is poking through his curls more than before but yet it suits him. No one else could make salt and pepper hair look as sexy as he does. 

       When Patsy brings me back my ginger ale, she also does a check up on me. She takes my temperature, fixes up my bed, adjusts my IVs, gives me some Tylenol, and checks my vitals. "Your vitals are overall stable but your temperature is still very high at 103 degrees even. You'll need to stay here for at least a few more days to a week. Is that okay?" I nod. "I'll comply with the directions because I want to get better." She gives me a small smile. "Smart man. By the way, Bruce is beginning to wake up." My heart begins to race and Patsy picks up on that. "Mr. Stark, take a few deep breaths. This is a good thing, you'll get to see the man you love." I nod and do a series of breathing exercises until my heart rate stabilizes again. 

       Patsy helps me into a comfortable recliner chair that faces the glass barrier. This is the closest I can get to Bruce right now until I'm released and I'll settle for what I can get right now. I watch Patsy tap Bruce on the shoulder and he immediately looks up at me. He shoots straight out of his chair and comes over to the glass barrier, putting a hand on the glass. I weakly do the same and both of us look weepy. I mouth "I love you" to him and he mouths it back. We'll get through this, we all well. This pandemic will eventually end and the time will come where we can be in close proximity to the people we love again without fear of causing harm to their health. When I'm better, I'll return back to the quaint little adobe that I share with Bruce. Gosh, I can't wait for that. 

I hope that you guys liked this one shot! :) -Mary 

Tin Can and the Science Man (Tony Stark x Bruce Banner One Shot Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang