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CW: Sexual innuendo/content

One Shot #10

Bruce's POV

    I got drunk the other night, I had one too many glasses of Jack Daniels. With that being said, I did something that's either going to wind out to be great in the long run or a terribly stupid decision. I picked one of my phone contacts at random to start texting with. What I didn't realize is until after I sent the rather sexual text... Tony was the recipient of the text. We had a talk about it in person the next day, in private thankfully. He didn't make a big deal about it. Very kindly, he told me we could either put a stop to it or see where it leads. I've happened to have a massive crush on him for years so I of course wanted to continue, I wanted to receive as much attention from him as possible. What's even more surprising though is that he didn't object to stopping either. 

     We're actually sexting right now. It's not all sexual though, there's some fluff thrown into the mix too. Tony sends me a shirtless picture of himself out of the blue and it causes me to begin to sweat. I'm getting hot and heavy... and I need a release. I lock the door to my room so no one walks in on me. I strip down to my underwear and lower them enough so I can have contact with my penis. I then begin the process of masturbating, even sending Tony a shirtless picture back while doing so. A few minutes later... I get a somewhat serious text from him that says: "Bruce, I have a question for you." My heart begins to race as I hesitate to type back for a minute. "What's up? Is everything okay Tony?"

       A minute later, my phone dings. "Everything is fine Bruce, at least I think it is... Our sexting has been so much fun, giving me a lot of pleasure. I hope it's been the same for you." 

I text back "It's been perfect." 

He texts back "Good" with a blushing smiley face emoji. He then continues to type... "With that being said Bruce, I'd like for this to become more than sexting, more than the casual one night stands that I'm used to. I actually have developed romantic feelings for you too and I haven't had any for anyone in years. I'd really like to explore a relationship with you. I'd say this in person but I'd be a nervous wreck, which is why I'm resorting to text for this part. What do you say?" 

  My heart hammers in my chest to the point where parts of my skin flicker green and I have to take some deep breaths to calm down before typing back. "Tony, I feel the same way. I've liked you for a long time, both romantically and sexually... I was too nervous to tell you because I didn't know how you'd take the confession. I'd love to explore this more, in the form of a proper relationship." :) 

A couple minutes later, my phone dings again. "THANK GOD! I ADORE YOU BRUCE. COME TO MY ROOM IF YOU CAN." I smile and blush, texting him back "I'm on my way now." :) When I get there, I throw myself into his arms and he winds up throwing me onto his bed. This is heaven, this is heaven.

I hope that you guys liked this one shot! I also attached the link to my latest video down below in case you want to check it out. :) -Mary 

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