Chapter 12: Golden Couple Challange

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 Sophalyna's P.O.V.

Bold is Alex and Lyna in the beach hut

"Alright, so James you are actually reading the questions out since you are single sorry bud. Also, as a twist after the islander couples write down who they believe the answer is it. Then the public answered will be revealed by James pulling the answer off the wall for all to see. So not only will we see what the fellow islanders will saw but also what the public sees," I said reading the text on her phone. James then took over. 

"So, islanders which couple do you think are the argumentative couple," James asked and all the couples discuss and wrote their answers before showing the answers. Most of the answers were Dani and Jack or G and Josh. "Islanders after looking at all your votes it seems to be a tie between Dani and Jack and Josh and G. The public believes the most argumentative couple is actually Frankie and Samira," James read off 

which makes sense because their fights don't happen in front of people they fight privately and then we hear about it later -Lyna

"Next question which island couple will stay together the longest after leaving the villa," James asked. The islanders were quick to write their answers to most people putting me and Alex however 

I wrote down Zara and Adam because I didn't want to write ourselves down - Lyna

 "The islanders have decided it's Alex and Soph, all except Alex and Soph who wrote down Adam and Zara I'm guessing Soph didn't want to write herself down which is totally fine. The public says that Adam and Zara will actually stay together  the longest," James said which made Alex squeeze my hand 

I knew that it wasn't what we thought it's okay- Lyna 

 Ya no I love this girl so I don't know what the public is thinking -Alex  

"Next question which couple is the least problematic," James ask and 

I know to start with it won't be any of my friend group maybe Wes and Annabella because they are the newest and neither of them upset someone when coming in.-Lyna

 "So the islanders have said Adam and Zara all but Soph and Alex who said, Wes and Annabella. The public believes that Annabella and Wes are the least problematic," James said. 

See I know what the public thinks.-Lyna

 "Now moving onto an easier question which of the island couples is most likely to tie the knot," James said and at that point, I know all the girls were about to put Alex and me down with no thought and then I looked at Alex and nodded saying he could put us down. "Looks like everyone even Alex and Soph put Alex and Soph and the public believes the couple that is most likely to tie the knot will be Alex and Soph," James said and everyone cheered and smiled and Alex kissed my forehead. "Okay guys finally question, which couple do you think would make any compromise to make their relationship work on the outside," James said at that point I knew that I wanted to say us so I looked at Alex and took the marker from him and wrote our names and he looks at me and nodded as if approving what I said. "Now it looks like there are answers for every single couple being nominated by someone else except Soph and Alex who nominated themselves and Wes and Annabella that nominated themselves. The public thinks the couple willing to compromise the most to make their relationship work on the outside is Alex and Soph. #AmericaAwaitsorWelshWelcome," James said causing a lot of laughing, and then we all settled in for the night and relaxed and just continued having normal chats about life and what was going to happen when we all left the villa. 

"Hey, guys I would totally love at some point if we had a super cool reunion over at my place in the states. The farmhouse has seen it's a fair share of parts and y'all could all stay there for the week and not have to pay for a place to live and we could all have a good ole time in the states," I said to all of the Alex and James nodded straight away. 

"Dude Soph remembers that kegger we threw for your 18th birthday that had city, county, and state police all show up because it was a ragger and they needed to know who the owner of the farm was which was you an 18 year old girl who was so intoxicated that I said it was mine to keep you out of trouble since I was twenty one at the time. They told us to shut it down because people in the next county were complaining at it. We laughed so hard the next day when I told you what happened," James said as I laughed about the memory and then I turned to Alex. 

"Want to take a walk to the swings with me," I asked and he nodded.

 Third person's P.O.V.

 "So she is pulling Alex because she's going to ask him to be her boyfriend because she wants to make things official because she knows he would eventually but she felt like this would be something nice she could do for him," G said to all of us and the boys all freaked out. "Also to tell you all what the girls were freaking out earlier Samira made a joke about Alex and Soph getting married and how we all have to be part of the wedding and we were all laughing about it and then you lads came over and they proceeded to do a married couple thing which got us all laughing harder because Soph didn't disagree to the statement and I have a feeling Alex could see himself marrying our little Sophalyna because of how he treats her. It's literally the most adorable relationship, to be honest and the fact he fights to keep her with him and they avoid the unneeded drama by both being so kind. They are literally two angels who belong together," G finished while smiling over at Alex and Soph on the swings.

 Alex's P.O.V.

"So I wanted to pull you away from everyone because it's easier for us to talk and not be called a married couple when we are all by ourselves," Lyna said and I nodded. "So what I want to say to you is I love you and I want us to tackle everything together from now as an official couple if you want to. I mean as like boyfriend and girlfriend," Lyna said to me which caught me off guard, but my smile was from to ear to ear. 

"I thought I told you I was going to ask you," I said with a chuckle as I nodded to her and kissed her and the villa erupted into chaos as soon as the kiss happened.  

Love Island: Where is the Love?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora