Chapter 2: Date and meeting the girls

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Sophalyna's P.O.V.

So here I am going with the boy I find most attractive out to date. I'm super nervous but I hope that things go okay. We go outside and Alex pulls the chair out for me before I sat down and smiled at him. He made the first the first move. "So, you are 24 but a cardiologist how'd you manage that," he asked me.

 I looked at him, "I uhh graduated high school at 17 years old then applied straight away to undergraduate school and graduated that by 19. Then I finished my medical school, rotations and specialized by 23 years old and now I moved to Wales to take their head of cardiology job. I'm the youngest cardiology head at this hospital in a long time I'm pretty sure. I think specializing on the heart and how the chambers and valves work along with the stints and graph work that I have learned from observing and working in the hospitals. I've always wanted to specialize in either cardiology or neurology, but cardiology became more of my ideal study after a while," I said as I looked across and realized I've been rambling. "Sorry I just went on a tangent," I said sadly. 

He just shook his head and smiled at me before speaking, "It's okay I understand the love of science and medicine and picking their field of studies. So then now that you are a doctor and happy what are you doing here on Love Island," Alex asked me. 

I just looked at him before looking down at the ground again until my head was raised to look up at his face. I then decided to speak, "I guess I want to find someone to make me laugh and smile and then shows me the respect I deserve and to make me feel something. I came here to find love in someone else, in friends or in myself and to become less shy and scared and more out there and expressive. I struggle with confidence so I hoped that being here would allow me to become more confident; however, I don't think that's going to happen though because I can't even hold a conversation while looking at someone without thinking I'm a disappointment. But that's just how I was raised I guess sometimes childhood issue cause some serious adult issues," I say before shaking my head and feeling like I was a disappointment. 

 Then I feel Alex grab my hand, "Hey, Lyna I don't think you could ever be a disappointment ever I mean you are a doctor who is specialized by 24 years old which is hard to do. You are beautiful, smart and don't need to worry about what others think of you. I want you to know how amazing you are and how strong you actually are," Alex said before taking my hand and kissed it. I was super worried about what he was thinking and how he fells about me. I was super worried but then he spoke. "Lyna I feel like there could be something between us I know you are gorgeous and from what I can see you are super kind so I would really love to get to know you. I know you are new and you'll probably want to get to know a lot of people I just want you to remember that I'll be here for you.

Alex's P.O.V.

I feel so terrible for her. She has lost all confidence due to everything that has happened in her past. She sounds so broken and I definitely wanna be someone to help fix it. It was now time to go inside so I reached out a hand to her. "Hey Lyna, it's time to go inside and meet the other girls. Wanna walk together," I asked as I held out my hand. We walked back in together her holding onto my hand as we walked back inside and the girls reached out and took her from me to the firepit while we lads went to the swings area.

 Sophalyna's P.O.V.

The girls took me to the firepit where we all introduced ourselves. It went around until it was my turn. I then looked at all of them before speaking. "I'm Sophalyna but you can call me Soph. I'm 24 years old I'm originally from America and just moved to Wales to pursue my dream career a year ago now. I'm a cardiologist who is the head of the department now on full responsibility for all things cardio related at the hospital. Before you ask I do have my eyes on someone but I want to make sure the feelings are the same before I make a complete fool of myself. I really enjoy Alex's company and was drawn to him when I walked in because look at him he's gorgeous and makes me laugh which is a big thing to me. I like people who can make me smile, laugh and can make sure that I have a good time," I said before looking back at the ground.

 Dani spoke first, " So what I'm hearing is you fancy Alex and want to see where that goes," Dani said as I looked up at her and blushed before nodding and all the girls started screaming. The boys flipped around and looked at all of us.

Alex's P.O.V.

"So Alex how did that first date with Sophalyna go? We know she's super smart and you guys probably talked about doctor stuff," Wes said but before he could finish talking all the girls screamed and were laughing and I could see that Soph looked at the ground smiling before laughing. 

Wes then continued speaking, "So which of you three had that good of a date to get a squeal and giggles from the entire girls group," Wes said as I looked at him and then shrugged before smiling. 

Niall spoke first. "I mean I know I kissed her at the end of the date however Alex and little miss Sophalyna seemed super happy and super close I didn't pay attention to what Adam and Rosie were up to though," Niall said, and all the boys applauded and then Jack spoke. 

"So, Alex did the date go well then," Jack asked me. I just nodded and smiled before realizing the girls are way us all over to the fire pit. We all walked over together and that's when they decided that we needed to play a game of truth or dare. Adam asked the first question.

 Sophalyna's P.O.V.

"Sophalyna truth or dare," Adam said to me. I looked up kinda confused and kinda scared before saying the truth. "Sophalyna who would you say is the most attractive boy here that is 100% your type and you'd go for them," Adam asked me. I thought about it for a few seconds before getting super nervous and panicking a little bit. I was so panicked that I stood up and ran away and inside the villa.

 Alex's P.O.V.

After seeing her run away I got up rather quickly to go and follow her before Adam yelled at me. "Where are you going Alex," Adam asked me. 

I turned slightly before saying, "someone needs to go make sure she's okay and I don't see any of you moving I'll come back in a little bit," I said before heading into the villa and looking for Sophalyna. I found her sitting out on the terrace looking at the stars. "Hey, mind if I check on you," I said before she looked over at me kind of nervous but pats the spot next to her. I sat down leaving some room in between us just for safety. She then reached out and took my hand in hers before speaking to me.

 "Alex, I like you a lot but I'm super scared of what can come from this. I got hurt in the past and want to make sure that I won't get hurt in the same way again. I'm slowly working on being confident and making sure that I don't have a mental break down due to my past," she said to me before leaning forward and kissed my cheek before she went to get up I pulled her hand making her spin around to face me and I leaned forward and hugged her. She hugged me back giggling and when we broke apart she smiled at me and made me feel better about her being upset. I smiled at her and offered her my hand as we walked back outside to meet the rest of the group she took her hand and went and sat down by herself before smiling at me. Just like that, the nice gorgeous girl joined back into the game as nothing else happened.

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