Chapter 5: Dating Mishap

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 Sophalyna's P.O.V.

So it's the next day and we just found out Niall had to leave due to personal reasons and today the newbies are taking people out on dates. Three people to be precise. The people they decided to take on their first date was Charlie is taking Georgia, Josh chooses me, Ellie chooses Alex, Zara chooses Eyal, and Meghan chooses Wes. We all were leaving for our dates and I was super nervous. Josh sat me down and I looked at him. "Where is your head at right now Sophalyna," Josh asked me as I smiled at him. 

"To be honest I think we'd be great friends Josh however my head is with Alex and I need to stay with Alex. I don't mind being your friend and helping you with girls, but I can't be the girl for you," I said to which he just smiled. 

"Good answer that's exactly what I wanted to hear from you. I'm bringing you and Dani out on dates because I want to get information on Georgia because she's absolutely stunning and I want to get to know her and I figured who better to learn from about Georgia than her best friends," Josh said to me making me smile. 

"Oh, my goodness that actually quite cute and G is literally one of my most favorite humans. She always knows when a smile is needed and how to make people feel important. I can tell you will be kept on your toes with her though because she is stubborn and amazing and sets her heart to things and doesn't give up," I said hyping up my best friend without her knowing. It got to the point where our dates were over so Georgia, myself and Wes went back to send people on dates. Zara had chosen to speak to Alex, Ellie had chosen to speak to Adam, Meghan had chosen to speak to Eyal, Josh had chosen to speak to Dani and Charlie had chosen to speak to Samira. So everyone went on their dates and I chilled with G and Jack by the pool. We were just talking up a storm when Dani and some others came back. I had been chosen by Charlie to have a date, Meghan had chosen Alex, Josh had chosen Georgia, Zara had chosen Adam, and Ellie had chosen Wes. We all made our way to our dates. We were all sitting and chatting. 

"Charlie look we are going to be best friends because I'm happy with Alex and want to see where things go and I can't waste my opportunity to see where things go with him," I said to Charlie who looked mad at me. 

"Fine if that's how you see it I would like to send you away from this date now. I don't need to waste my time on the US chick who is now a Wales person," Charlie said and I got up and left and went back to the villa alone. I walked in and straight to Dani who saw I was about to cry and she took me to Jack and the two of them sat me down to talk. 

"Charlie basically sent me away from our date because I told him I'm happy with Alex and he didn't like my answer. I wasn't trying to be mean at all I just wanted to be honest with him because that's important to me. He was so mean that I got upset and I held my tears in until I got here but I can't do it anymore. What he said hurt me because I wasn't expecting him to be so hateful towards me. Like did I do something wrong," I asked still upset. At this point I hear the others come back and then feel myself being hugged tightly. It was Alex. 

"What's going on," Alex asked me to which a new round of tears started streaming down my face. Next thing I know I'm in a group hug with G, Dani, Samira, Jack, Josh, Alex and Adam. The hug stopped and everyone gave me room to breath and I asked if I could speak to the boys for a second so all the boys sat down and I sat by them to speak to them. 

"So, Jack has already heard this but I want to ask all of you this. Does it make me a bad person to be upfront and honest and tell someone you don't feel a connection with them? Because I did that today and I got shouted out and called rude things and forced to leave the date because 'he didn't want to waste his time on the US chick from Wales' like did I mess something up? Did I do something wrong," I asked them all as I had tears welled up again. At this point I looked at their faces and they all looked pretty angry to be honest. I was worried that I was the blame for the anger until I heard Josh speak. 

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