Chapter 15: Cry Baby

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Sophalyna's P.O.V.

I was curled up in bed next to Alex when I was awakened by a cry. I looked at Alex confused. He was awake and looking at me. "Soph, get up and come see your baby that is chilling out down here in the front room," G yells from outside and I looked up at Alex. He just smiles at me and nods and then gets up and goes downstairs. I curled up further into the blanket and Alex came back up with our baby and a glass of hot tea. I smiled at him. 

"Who's the little one you got," I asked him. "Well, it's our little girl. I think I remember you saying your first girl would be called Rosalie Kaylee Carter. Rosalie after your favorite flavor that grew under your window growing up. Then Kaylee as the middle name after your best friend that you grew up beside James that is," Alex said which made me smile. I just took the baby from Alex and cuddled into Alex and held the baby on my inside arm that was on Alex's chest and having my cup of tea in the other hand. We stayed like this for a while with our baby who is not crying at all. Once I was done with my tea and Alex took my cup and little Rosalie. I went and got changed and then went downstairs and took Rosalie from Alex so he could go get ready and so the girls could have mommy-daughter time. Us girls took our babies to sit at the daybeds and chat. 

"Alright Soph we haven't seen you much this morning where were you and Alex," G asked. 

"Oh, I didn't want to get up yet so Alex brought me up some hot tea and our little Rosalie so we could have our normal morning cuddles and chats over tea with our little one today. He also gave her the name Rosalie Kaylee Carter because he knew that was the name, I wanted to name my first baby girl. So, it's been a quiet morning that I love so much," I said to all the girls. 

"If that doesn't sound like a normal Alex and Soph morning I don't know what else would," Dani said with a giggle. All of us girls were chilling and chatting when Alex came over to see us. 

"Hey Lyna, I'm going to steal Rosalie from you so you can have a little break," Alex said as he bent down and kissed me before handing me another cup of tea and taking Rosalie with him to go sit down at the swings, our spot. 

"That was the sweetest thing ever and he brought you some tea. He's going for some brownie points today," G said with a laugh. Just then James came over.

 "Hey Soph, how's having a little one around. Actually, where the heck is your little one," James said. I looked over to the swings were Alex has her on his chest and is swinging the two of them. 

"Alex just came and grabbed Rosalie from me to give me some time away while bringing me more tea. She's so quiet I don't think I've heard her cry at all today," I said. 

"Ladies get ready to leave the villa. Lads it's time for you to take care of the babies. #Daddydaycare," Alexandria read off. I walked over towards Alex. 

"Hey Alex, I just wanted to wish you luck. I hope little Rosalie doesn't cause you too much trouble. Please be careful with her I don't want to hear she got hurt when I get back. I love you, babe," I said to Alex as I leaned down and kissed Rosalie on the head before giving Alex a kiss before going to get dressed. All of us girls finished getting ready and went to say goodbye to the boys before we left the villa. We all went out and were treated to wine and manicures and pedicures. 

"Hey Soph, how are you and Alex doing? You guys have been in the bottom two with the public these last two votes," Alexandria asked me. I just sort of looked at her. 

"I don't know why we have been in the bottom tow the last two weeks all I know is Alex and I are good. I love that boy with all my heart. I came here for a reason and now that I've been here and got to experience friendships, personal growth and I found Alex. I don't need anything else. I told Alex the other night that if we went home then that's fine because I love him and we can handle the outside world together we talked about it and we are going to work through everything," I said to her. Dani and G reached out and each took a hand of mine to try and make me feel better. "Alexandria to be honest with you I don't know if the public doesn't like us together or just isn't voting for us because we already have everything we came here for so we don't necessarily need the villa anymore. All I know is Alex always knows how to make me smile and laugh. His kindness is something that I haven't ever seen before. He accepts me for everything that I am and doesn't judge me for any of my flaws our my past. He is my other half and I'm so thankful that I met him. So to answer your question Alex and I are fine and I just want to head back to the villa so I can see him and little Rosalie and cuddle with them," I said as I stood up and decided to walk away from the ladies heading back towards the villa. I walked back in the villa doors and went to find Alex. I found him still on the swings with Rosalie. I walked right over picked up Rosalie and held her in my arms and then I curled up into Alex's arms as he kissed my head and asked me now questions but just held me. I don't know when but I fell asleep while being in Alex's arms with Rosalie in my arms. I was waking up when I heard Alex talking to the others.

 "Ya Alexandria said something to her at our girl's day out that upset her and she was just super upset so she said she was coming back here. Alexandria wasn't trying to be mean she just asked Soph how you and she were because you guys have been in the publics' bottom couple for the last two weeks. Soph gave the sweetest answer possible and she made me proud of how she answered Alexandria. She did is polite and respectfully and then wanted to come back to see you which makes sense, to be honest," G said.

 "Why would Alexandria say something like that? That's so rude. Yes Soph and Alex have been in the public bottom but they don't see how the two of them interact always. Alex don't worry at all. I've never seen Soph happier than when she is with you. The fact she feels comfortable enough to lay on you out here on the swings and sleep means so much. She loves you Alex even if she hasn't told you yet she loves you and we can all see it," James said to Alex.

 "I mean I know she loves me. She's said it but it's also in her actions. She always knows what to say or do to make me smile, laugh, and just, in general, make me feel better. I mean look at her she is beautiful, kind, smart, sassy, sweet and she's everything I need in my life and I don't plan on letting her get away from me any time soon. I love our morning cuddles and chats in bed over tea. I love just being able to be around her and seeing her with little Rosalie today made me realize just how much of a future I want with her. I have no clue where she has been all my life but I'm she's with me now and I don't ever really want to let go. She's an angel and she was sent to me, she had to have been sent to me. I love her which I don't know if the public understands how much I love her or not. I mean I've told her already that if we get sent home that I'm headed up to Wales to go back home and see my parents and see her at her work because she's the head of cardiology at the hospital. Not only did I get a beautiful girl I got an absolutely brilliant girl. I told her after I got back from casa amore that if she was sent home that I was going with her and she said the same to me. I trust her with all my personal stuff and all my life stuff that is too much for me to handle alone. I trust her with my life and I trust her with my heart. Now I don't know why Alexandria said that to her and started to put doubts in her head but it's okay she's right here with me and we are laying here on our swing," Alex said. I stirred a little bit to let him know I was waking up. Alex then leaned forward and kissed my forehead before I felt my phone go off causing me to have to wake up. "Hey Lyna," Alex said nudging me slightly. "Your phone just went off Lyna," he said. I then opened my eyes and looked up to Alex who handed me my phone and I looked at it and realized that Rosalie is still on my chest and she is still not crying. 

"Islanders, it's time to kiss your babies goodbye. One set of parents was so overwhelming good at being parents that they won a party for the rest of the islanders along with winning themselves a night in the hideaway. So the couple that was the best parents today who didn't have their baby cry at all once they picked their child up was Alex and Sophalyna," I said with a smile. Alex then kissed my forehead and we got up and I was still carrying Rosalie. We went over to her bassinet and I gave her a hug and kissed her head while Alex was holding us both. "Goodbye little Rosalie Kaylee Carter maybe one day we will meet a Rosalie Kaylee George," I said as I kissed her head one more time before laying her in her bassinet and turning and walking back outside with Alex to head over to our swings.

 "I know you were awake earlier when we were talking about how Alexandria made you feel. I felt you shift but it's okay because I would say all that to you already and I will continue to say it to you. I don't care whether the public can see what we have and doesn't believe in us because I believe in us and I know what we have will last because you're my girl Lyna. I'm so happy that I have met you and I'm so in love with you and wouldn't change it for the world," Alex said as he kissed my forehead as I am laying back against him again. We got up from the swings and headed to where everyone else is at over by the fire pit. After a night of partying and chatting Alex and I went to change and then headed off to the hideaway.   

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