Chapter 17: Final Day

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Alex's P.O.V.

I woke up and looked down in my arms laying her head on my chest was my girl. My Sophalyna. My Lyna. I may not have known her long but man what I've known her for has been amazing. I gained a best friend, a work companion, and a forever girl just by being myself. Which is totally weird because I'm awkward and don't know how to behave 'smoothly' as the guys call it. I almost head butted her when I went to kiss her. When I try to be a normal human who doesn't drop everything and who isn't as clumsy as I am. However me being the clumsy, and awkward person I am is what made her fall in love with me which still shocks me. I look back down at her and she is still asleep and curled up into me. The lights haven't been turned on yet ;however, I hear a knock on the door. This knock was loud enough to cause Lyna to stir and then look up at me. I smiled at her and there was another knock so she got up and opened the door to reveal everyone who tackled her back into the bed where I was. She rolled over and cuddled into me as everyone was sitting around the bed. We were all chilling there when Lyna just looked up at me and smiled brightly before speaking. "Guys I love you all and I really appreciate you all being here and being my friend. You have all been here and listened to everything that has been going on and I'm so excited for what will happen when we all leave here and can be friends outside the villa. Now I want a group hug before I get hangry and don't want to associate with y'all until after I've had my cup of tea," Lyna said with a giggle at the end and everyone got into one giant group hug before the girls left to get ready and I went downstairs to grab Lyna some of her favorite tea so that she wouldn't have to make it.

 I was walking back up to give her her tea when I heard James talking to the girls. "I haven't seen her this happy in so long. Like she wasn't even this happy when we were dating. It's been forever since I've seen that genuinely happy smile from her. The fact that Alex can put that smile back on her face after everything that has been going on lately and the fact that she made all these friends is amazing and I can't believe we are down to the final four couples right now. Like when I came back in here it was to make sure that Alex was as legit as it seemed on the show and that he wasn't going to hurt her after all the pain she's been through and seeing how happy she is just confirms that those two are soulmates. Those two are going to make it last no questions asked," James said to whoever he was talking to and it definitely wasn't Lyna.

 "Ya those two are made for each other. She came in here and she was really nervous but she wanted to get to know Alex and was pretty set after their first date and Alex seemed like as soon as he met her that there would be no one else he would want to get to know. It makes me happy how happy they make each other. A lot of us don't know the full story of what's happened to her and that's okay but once we see what's actually happened I think we will see her in the same light Alex does. He looks at her not as if she'll break but as if she is one of the strongest people he's ever met," G said which then confirmed my theory that Lyna wasn't there. I knocked on the door and they both flipped towards me.

 "Do you know where Lyna is," I asked and they both flipped to look at the terrace past Dani who was sitting on the ground doing her makeup. I nodded and walked through and then knocked on the terrace door. "Hello, can I come join you? If not I still have a cup of tea for you how you would like it," I said with a smiled to Lyna. She looked back at me and gives me a small smile before taking the cup of tea I was offering her. I started walking away when she pulled me back and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

"I'll come find you after I've had my cup of tea and chat with my people up there," she said pointing towards the sky which I understood what she meant. I nodded smiled and kissed her forehead. 

"I'll be downstairs on the swings or at the pool whenever you are ready," I said and turned and walked back inside to see a weary James. "She's just taking a moment to talk to her angels. She'll be down later whenever she has finished her cup of tea and chat," I said to him which made him smile and nod. 

"I just want to thank you for taking care of her and always making her smile. I know she's not fragile but knowing what's happened in the past makes me forget that she's got a smile and can be super happy. You've brought that side back and made her happier than I would have ever thought was possible," James will shaking my hand and then we both walked downstairs and outside I went and grabbed a snack and a cup of coffee before heading to the swings to think. I wasn't sitting there long before Jack, and Josh came up and sat down looking at me.

 "What are you thinking about, Alex," Jack said. 

"I'm just thinking about how things would be so different if I had not met her or if things hadn't been as rough in here we wouldn't be the way we are. I don't know but I feel like she's never had the easiest the journey so I want to do whatever I can to make her journey of life from here on out better than it has been," I said to answer Jack and then Josh asked me. 

"Could you see yourself married to her with kids in the future with a house, pets and a stable life?" I thought for a second about my life and whether I could see a future without her in it anymore. 

"I don't think I could see a future without her because she is definitely the only person that I've ever known to understand me this well. My parents don't even understand me this well and they have known me since I was born. The thing is I just want to make and keep her happy for as long as we can. Forever is a long time but with her I could see it not being hard at all and I could see it full of love and smiles. So I guess Josh ya I could see that and I don't know if I want to unsee that," I said to him which made both boys grin from ear to ear. I just smiled. 

"Boys," I heard Lyna say as she was walking over to us causing Josh and Jack to stand up. "No stay here and bring everyone over because I want to chat with everyone it's our last full day in the villa. It's time to sit back and discuss some of our favorite moments that have happened so far," Lyna said which made the me smile. "Hey y'all everyone come up here I got something to say," she yells towards everyone else. Everyone came up and sat down and that's when she smiled. "I just wanted to get everyone together since it's our last day here to just talk and laugh about our memories from in the villa. Like one of my favorite memories was when I came into the villa to meet all you girls after being on my date with Alex and you guys were all shocked that I was into Alex before even getting to meet him. Ya Alex I came in knowing that I wanted to get to know you and I didn't really want to get to know anyone else and it's worked for the best so that's nice. You girls all freaked out me saying how much I liked him already and how comfortable and happy he made me feel in one night," Lyna said with a smile and Dani and G started laughing. 

"I remember meeting you outside the door waiting to come in here with Rosie and you were so quite and all you wanted to do was come in here and find someone who could understand you and make you smile again. You were so worried that people wouldn't understand what you were about because you were so lost and broken at those moments," G said which made me smile at her. We all sat there listening to each person tell their favorite memory. 

"I guess you could say my favorite memory would have to be the first date we went on in the driveway or the day with Rosalie Kaylee. Both were days we smiled and laughed and were just comfortable just being ourselves," I said to them which made everyone smile. As soon as I finished talking someone's phone went off. 

"Ladies it's time to get glammed up for the villa prom that will go on tonight. Get yourself ready to leave the villa for the afternoon," Alexandria read which caused all of the girls to get excited. Lyna looked at me and then kissed my cheek.

 "I'll be back later to see you babe," Lyna said and then smiled.       

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 26, 2020 ⏰

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