•Where do broken hearts go?•

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"Do you love me Liam?"

"More than anything in the world Niall."

"Grandad?" Liam's granddaughter asked, tapping her grandad's shoulder. "Yes love" Liam replied, smiling down at his 7 year old granddaughter. "Who's that boy in the picture?"Sophie asked, showing him the picture she found hidden at the bottom of a cardboard box. Liam's heart dropped when he held the photograph.

It was Niall.

"That's nobody dear, just an old friend" Liam said, fake smiling at his granddaughter. He didn't have the courage to tell her who he really was and how he was much more than a friend to Liam. Sophie shrugged and ran off to find her brother, Sean. Liam sat down in the old arm chair and stared at the picture. Sweet, innocent Niall.

*Flashback; 56 years ago*

Liam Payne was proud to say at the age of 18, he found his one and only love. Who knew he was closer than Liam thought? Niall Horan aka Liam's bandmate stared back into the eyes of his boyfriend who he had fallen for. Liam smiled as he rubbed circles on Niall's hand. They were lying in the middle of an empty field, no paparazzi, no obsessive fans, just them. And they loved it.

"Liam?" Niall asked, moving closer to the brown eyed boy. "Yes dear" Liam replied, amazed at how blue Niall's eyes really were. "Do you think we'll ever be allowed to..you know..be a couple to the world?" Niall asked, dying to know the real answer. He wanted nothing more to hold Liam's hand whenever he wanted or wherever they were. He was tired of looking from a distance at his boyfriend, holding hands with his 'girlfriend'. Liam dearly loved Niall but he was also afraid. Afraid of what the world would think of the two being a couple. He knew things would only crash if they came out. They would lose fans, lose good publicity and possibly lose their careers. They were only young.

Liam couldn't let that happen to him, not after the embarrassment he faced before when he was rejected on the X Factor. His job meant everything to him and surely Niall would understand, right? "Niall we can't, you know what would happen" Liam said and Niall looked at the ground. He was trying his hardest not to cry. All he ever wanted was to be with Liam. Who cares what people thought? Niall knew though that Liam cared and that hurt him.

"Well I find it very unfair how I have to stand back in the shadows and watch my boyfriend hold another girl's hand and kiss another girl when I can't even kiss my boyfriend in public! I mean, the other day when we were holding hands and someone walked in, you literally pushed me onto the ground and I know you said sorry but it still hurt Liam! I'm fed up with being your shadow, it's either me or her Liam" Niall said, having enough of his boyfriend's attitude towards their relationship. If he really loved Niall, he'd do anything for him, just like Niall would do anything for Liam.

"Niall...I can't... I mean" Liam began but couldn't think. He really did love Niall but was he worth becoming nothing again? Because that's what Liam was before his career. A big pile of nothing. "Oh save it, I knew you didn't care about me. If you loved me, you wouldn't hide it. Goodbye Liam" Niall said, storming off with tears streaming down his face. Liam just lay back and began to think of what had just happened.

*4 years later from break-up*

"Hi" Niall said, meeting eyes with his ex lover who he hadn't seen for four years. One Direction split up a month after their break up as there was too much tension between the boys. Liam kept his career though and went solo while Niall returned back to his daily life before One Direction. The rest of the guys all went separate ways apart but stayed singing.

"Hello" Liam replied, staring back into the eyes he once thought he loved. He was a married man now and saw Niall leaving as the best thing that ever happened. They were never going to work out anyway. "Haven't seen you in a while" Niall said, slightly smiling. His heart still ached from the day four years ago when he left Liam alone in the field. Nothing has been the same since for him. He still was madly in love with the stubborn boy in front of him. "I've gotten married" Liam said, wanting Niall to know that what they had was history and they will never happen again. "I heard" Niall said, referring to the news report and newspapers that were flooded with pictures of Liam's wedding. Niall even had a picture of Liam in his suit but his bed side but he wasn't going to admit that to him.

"Congratulations" Niall mumbled, not really meaning the words. What was there to congratulate? "Thanks..."Liam said, smiling at Niall. Niall's heart sped and the same old butterfly feeling kicked in and he hated himself for still loving the man who destroyed him. "Yeah..hey listen Niall, no hard feelings yeah? I mean it's not like we were actually boyfriends, I'm not even gay. And besides we weren't serious when we said we loved each other" Liam said, laughing. Niall felt his heart break right then and there into a million more pieces. "I mean, you didn't really think I meant I loved you, right?" Liam said, still laughing. Niall fake laughed to cover up his breaking and bruised heart. He couldn't take all this. He didn't want to endure anymore of this pain.

He was already heartbroken enough from their break up and then hearing Liam was happy with Sophia and then their wedding and how Liam stared at Sophia like she was the most beautiful thing in the world. He used to look at Niall that way. "I mean if I had to pick any one mistake I've ever made, it would defiantly be me and you and how stupid we once were. I mean I could never love you like that" Liam said and Niall had to bite his lip to stop the sob from escaping his lips. Liam was only making his beating yet broken heart much more and it felt like Liam's foot was pressed tight against Niall's heart, squishing it and making it break into pieces. "Oh look at the time, sorry Liam I need to go. Goodbye" Niall quickly said, leaving out of the store as quick as possible. That was the last straw for Niall. Liam had finally broke him completely.

*URGENT NEWS REPORT : One Direction's ex bandmate Niall Horan has been found dead in his home in London this evening at half six. The 22 year old ex singer was found hanging from his ceiling fan earlier by his cleaner with a note attached saying "I meant it when I said I loved you. I always will.We don't know who Niall is directing this message though as he is single. More news later at 9 o'

Liam stared at the television for another 10 minutes as he tried to figure out what he had just heard. The boy he had just been talking to today now lies in a body bag. Liam knew in his heart the note was directed to him and it was his fault for Niall's suicide but he prayed otherwise. Liam hadn't noticed the tears streaming down his face until his wife entered and asked why he was crying. He couldn't fully explain the reason he was crying as it didn't want to admit it. He didn't want to admit that when he seen Niall in the store today, his heart thumped loud against his chest and he got the urge to touch the boy. He didn't want to admit the one truth he lied about all these years.

"He loved Niall Horan."

*Present Time*

"Grandad, c'mon" Sophie said, pulling her grandad up the hill to the picnic the family we're having. It was the 7th of July and Liam felt the pains in his chest as he remembered this day 60 years ago. Niall's death. He couldn't believe it has been 60 years since he has last talked to Niall. He didn't want too. "I'm coming dear, I'm coming" Liam said, walking up the hill beside his granddaughter. After the picnic, Liam made up an excuse so he could slip away and think. He walked and walked until his feet brought him somewhere he didn't plan on going. Niall's grave.

He stood in front of the grave and blessed himself. He kissed the headstone, rubbing his hand over Niall's engraved name. A snowglobe of Niall was still there after it Niall's brother placed it there 30 years ago and Liam sadly smiled at the picture of a younger Niall and Greg. He kissed the snowglobe before putting it back into it's original spot.

"Hello Liam"

Liam turned around and looked to his left and right. He was sure somebody had said hello. But nobody was there. When he turned around, his eyes widened. There sitting on his gravestone was the man Liam never thought he would meet again. Niall Horan. "Niall?" Liam asked, coughing.
Niall nodded before smiling. Niall was glowing all around him and had a red mark along his neck. Liam was positive he was stuck in a daydream or asleep in bed. "Come to me Liam" Niall said,
holding out his hand's for Liam to hold. And he did. After 60 years, the two lovers were finally one again.

*URGENT NEWS REPORT: Liam Payne, retired singer has been found dead on his ex bandmate's Niall Horan's grave this evening aged 78. He has died of chest pains or possibly...a broken heart*

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