Another love awaits

783 31 6

*Thank you to Becca989 for the prompt! And the cover as well! Honestly loved the idea of this and it was so great writing it so thank you very very much :)*

Niall's P.O.V

I straightened my shirt one last time before looking into the mirror. I stared at my red checkered flannel, my white top, my denim skinny jeans and white converses and wondered if I looked too casual for a first date. I really need to make a great first impression on Luke as this would be the first time I'd ever meet him. We've talked non stop on tinder, constantly sending messages and have even called each other on the phone but now I'm actually going to be face to face with him. I feel nervous but I shouldn't because I already know Luke and I know how much of a gentleman and sweetheart he is.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, signaling a text none other from Luke. I check myself one last time in the mirror before running a hand through my hair and leaving my room. I leave my small apartment, making sure to lock the door before I leave. I jog down the stairs with ease and walk out into the streets of London. Luke said he wants to meet at the London eye which is alright for me since its only a 10 minute walk from my apartment. I plug in my headphones while walking and shuffle my songs. "Mr Brightside" by The Killers comes on and I smile. It's one of my favourite songs.

I arrive at the London eye and look around me for any sign of Luke. I must be here early or something. I check the time on my phone, only to see that I'm actually five minutes late. So that means hes late. Traffic must be bad or something. I decide to sit down on one of the benches and give Luke a text. I put my phone away and just look around at the sights. There is quite a few people around since it's only evening but most are couples holding hands. I wonder will that be me and Luke soon? No I can't think like that yet, I mean he's not even here. I feel my pocket vibrate so I quickly take my phone out.

"Sorry but I won't be there until like 20 minutes, bad traffic....Luke x" Oh. I guess that means I'll be alone for a lot longer than I expected. I stand up from my seat on the bench and decide to get myself a coffee. I see a shop across the road so I don't have far to walk, thankfully. I plug my headphones on again since I have plenty of spare time. I can't believe he did this, I feel mad in a way...but I have to understand, he doesn't live as close to London as me. I still feel hurt though. These things happen I guess and I just have to forget about it and stop thinking of it before it ruins my night altogether. He'll be here soon, that's all that matters.

I order my coffee and sit down beside one of the window seats by myself to wait for my drink. I play some car game on my phone to pass the time and soon enough, my coffee is ready. I go up and pay for it and decide to sit down again since outside is much colder and Luke wont be here for another ten minutes. I take my time drinking my coffee and decide to leave when I see Luke will be here in five minutes.I cross over the road again to my previous spot and wait. After what felt like hours, I finally see a tall figure walking towards me. I stand up quickly and straighten down my top. He looks great. He's wearing a grey sweater, black ripped skinny jeans and boots.

When he gets closer, I smile at him and he opens his arms. I walk over to him and he pecks my lips quickly before hugging me quickly. He smells weird. Not in a bad way, I can smell the lynx on him but there's something else. I ignore it and pull away but he just pulls me back roughly. I laugh at his actions, although he sort of hurt my arm. I know he didn't mean to though so its okay. I feel his hands on the bottom of my back and let out a squeal when he slaps my bum with his hands roughly. He grabs and squeezes it hard with his hands and I try pull away from him but he's stronger than me. "Luke stop please, I don't like it" I say but he ignores me. I really was not expecting him to be like this, I thought he was a sweetheart.

"Your going to be my slut tonight, you hear that?" he whispers into my ear and I feel my stomach turn. The Luke I knew or thought I knew I guess would never say anything like that. I finally decided I had enough when he started licking my neck and kneed him in a place no lad ever wants a knee. It was the only way to get him off me so. I didn't think he'd be such a pervert towards me. "What the hell Niall? That fucking hurt, you cunt" Luke says, holding his private area. This has got to be the most horrible, worst date in my life. I don't think I ever want to go on a date with anyone after this. I go to turn around but an arm wraps around my wrist, roughly pulling me back.

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