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Niall still remembers the day. It still haunted his every day life, although it was 12 years ago. He still remembers him perfectly .The boy he will always be in love with. His one true soul-mate. He also remembers the face of a man who destroyed his future. If only Niall knew what would happen, he would've saved him and took the hit himself if he knew his life would be a dull hell without him. But he didn't. And he hates himself more each day with that thought.

flashback- 12 years ago.

Niall laughed up at his boyfriend of three years and felt a warmth in his heart. He wasn't really a believer of love until the day he saw Liam. They had got partnered up as biology partners but who knew that would turn into friendship and now love. Niall always knew he was different from everyone else especially all of the guys in his class. They were all tall and muscular and into cars and girls while Niall was small and cuddly and was into guitars and found Justin Bieber quite cute but not like he would admit that to anyone. He didn't classify himself gay however until the day Liam Payne decided to walk into his life. Now three years later, 18 year old Niall couldn't be any happier, holding the hand of the boy he fell in love with.

Liam had decided to surprise his boyfriend for their 3 year anniversary by bringing him to his favourite restaurant. It wasn't anything special yet but that would have to wait until later. He planned to drive Niall out into a field in his pick up truck and lie in the back of it, watching the stars where he would propose to Niall. He knew he was only 19, Niall being 18 but he also knew Niall was the one and he wanted nobody else in the world more than he wanted Niall Horan. He already had the ring in the glove department of his truck, waiting and ready. Liam was a nervous mess but he tried his hardest not to show. He had planned this event for over 6 months.

They walked in, hand in hand into the restaurant as they went up to the reception. "Payne" Liam said in a professional way. "Right this way sir" The waiter gestured over to a corner where a single table was sat, candles in the middle of it while fairy lights hung from the ceiling. It was also beside a wall sized window with a view of all the cities lights. Niall looked over at Liam who kissed his cheek and smiled. Liam pulled out Niall's chair for Niall to sit. Niall felt his cheeks go red at his boyfriend's cute gesture as he thanked him and sat down. Liam then sat across him and held Niall's hands in his, just staring into his beautiful blue eyes. He loved him, he really did.

When they had ordered their meal, they just talked of amazing times they have had over the three years together and all they have overcome. From the hateful abuse Liam's family gave him when he introduced them to Niall to the disgusted stares they would get when they held hands in the school corridors. They have all made both of them stronger and never changed their love for each other. Nothing ever would. Liam was interrupted by a loud bang outside the building and a loud crash of glass breaking over the floor of the restaurant. A group of three men with their hoods up and bandanas storm in and take shotguns out from their sides. They point it all around the restaurant and run over to the counter. "Niall get under the table" Liam says quickly, pushing his boyfriend down. Niall tried to pull Liam down with him but he just shook his head before kissing Niall on the lips. "I'm calling the police" Liam quietly says, smiling slightly at Niall.

"Stay under no matter what, okay?" Liam says, pushing Niall down. Niall listened to Liam and sat under the table, shaking. He was petrified. He knew Liam would try be the hero of the day, he wouldn't sit and just watch all of this happen. He just wasn't that kind of person, he never let anything go by him unnoticed without him trying to help. Niall waited under the table as he heard Liam ringing the police and his heart began to race when he heard a gun shot. "Liam" Niall whispered loudly, nearly getting out from under before he felt someones hand push him back down. "It's okay baby, it wasn't me. Please get under the table" Liam whispers, a phone pressed against his shoulder.

"Yeah hello, i'd like to report a burglary and shooting at-" Liam whispered into his phone before a shout interrupted him. Liam looked up, fear evident in his eyes when he came into contact with one of the men, holding a gun in his direction. Niall cried underneath the table and prayed for the best, that he wouldn't lose his lover. "What do you think your doing kid?" The man shouted at Liam, still pointing his gun at Liam. Liam froze in his spot, his heart going crazy but he tried his hardest to not show it. "Uhh nothing sir" Liam stuttered, terrified. "Put the phone down then" The man shouted and Liam quickly obeyed him, resting his phone on the ground before standing up quickly. "You know what happens little rats that try save the day?" The man asked Liam and Niall felt his heart race up in fear. "No?" Liam replied but it came out more like a question. Niall bite his fingernails as he shook with fear, waiting to hear the man's reply. But all he heard was a gunshot and a body collapse to the ground. "They die" He heard the man laugh and he felt sick rise in his throat because he knew too well what had happened.

Niall looked over to his left, lifting the table cloth but he quickly turned away when he seen his boyfriends lifeless body surrounded by a pool of blood on the floor beside him. Next thing Niall remembered was police sirens and policemen barging in. He crawled out from under the table and finally let out a heart wrenching cry as he lay beside his still boyfriend. "Liam..please-e, I need you Liam, I love you-u" Niall stuttered, in between sobs and pulled his hair in distress. "Nialll" he heard a quiet whisper beside him and he quickly turned his head to Liam. "I love you" Liam whispers and smiled slightly before he slowly closed his eyes. "No Liam, you can get through this! We get through everything, Liam stay awake, your going to be okay Liam, I love you too. More than anything in the whole world. Don't fucking give up on me now, Liam James Payne. You hear me? I need you Li, I need you so badly" Niall cried, hugging Liam closer to him, his head resting on his lap. But it was too late. He had lost the most important in his life.


Niall played with the ring on his finger as tears streamed down his face. It only seemed like yesterday when he lost his world but it was in fact 12 years today. Liam's mam had found the velvet box which contained the ring Liam was going to give him that terrible night and showed it to Niall, afraid of his reaction. Inside the ring, Liam engraved the words that Niall will remember till the day he meets Liam again.

"My love for you is unbreakable. Forever and Always, I'm yours"

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