Chapter 27-Fitz

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I woke up, scrambling to get dressed. I knew Mr. Forkle would be here soon, or at least a member of the collective. I woke the others up and we all got dressed. We sat in silence in the living room as we waited. I knew what was coming, but I didn't say anything. I din't want to get their hopes up and then be wrong. Mr. Forkle finally arrived. With Evangeline. And Tam.

"Today's the day." Was all he said, taking us all into the room. He explained what Evangeline and Tam would do and how only Keefe could stay in the room, which was Alicorn poo in my opinion. I didn't argue though. The 3 of us left and waited for what felt like forever. All of a sudden I heard crying. I rushed into the room, to find Sophie rubbing her head, and Keefe hugging her, and sobbing. I quickly joined the hug along with everyone else, except Evangeline who stood awkwardly to the side. Sophie waved her over and she joined too. When we all broke apart Mr. Forkle gave us all a sad smile. 

"I hate to have to do this." He mumbled. He pass me a really odd looking crystal, but nobody missed the fact that it was blue. 

"What?" Was all I could say. 

"You kids deserve a normal life. You five will be heading to the Forbidden Cities to live from now on. That device is not only your home crystal, but it can also be a communication device. We will check in when possible. All of you will be sharing a house, and everything is covered. Mrs. Foster will help you find your way." Eventually all our friends glittered into view. We did our rounds of hugs. Once we were done, Mr. Forkle started to order us around again.

"Mr. Vacker, Ms. Vacker, Ms. Redek, Mr. Sencen, Mr. Tam, Ms. Linh, Mr. Endal, and Ms. Foster, I need you all to hail your guardians, and explain to them that from now on, you will be living in a black Swan hideout. Do not say anything about Forbidden Cities." The ones who weren't there before were confused about the whole thing, but they went and did it anyways. We all came back to the room when we were done. Finally he decided to explain what was going on.

"Listen, I understand that all of you want to help, but we've decided that regarding previous events, you will be moving to the Forbbiden Cities for safety. Eventually, you will have to return, but as of tomorrow, you will be leaving. I've covered everything including your story and fake names. I hope you can understand why this has to happen. I'm very sorry." With that, he left me with the crystal, and a bunch of speechless friends. But that was that.

As of tomorrow, we were going to be humans.

Sorry for this annoyingly short filler. But, PLOT TWIST! -Allybear

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