Episode 2 (first day of school as a sophomore)

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"Mom I'm leaving I'm gonna be late for my first day at school" I said "Okay honey be safe at school make as many friends as you can love you " my mom said "love you too, bye now" I said as I closed the door behind me. The School I'm going to isn't that far away just 15 minutes walk.

After 15 minutes walk

Here I am at Norwest Christian College High School, I know what you guys think it is a public school I don't go to private schools, it's full of spoiled braggy students and I don't like that so I begged my parents not to get me to one cause I'm a normal girl with wealthy parents and I don't talk about that a lot to people so they don't take advantage of me cause I'm rich.
When me and my parent when to get the acceptance to go to this school the principle told me to go to her office to get a tour guide to show me around school so I don't get lost, not gonna lie it is a pretty big school for a public one because most of the ones a was in were smaller than that.
As I walked there and went to her office a lot people were looking at me some looks shocked some looked angry some looked normal. I knocked the door "Hello Mrs Robinson You remember me, the new girl ?" I said nervously "oh yeah of course come in !" The principle said, she has a huge office and so good looking for a principle office she has a good taste in stuff like this maybe she's young. As I entered there was someone sitting in the other seat infront of her desk a brown hair guy, then he turned his head around to see me. "Come sit next to calum he's gonna be your tour guide!" She said, I saw his face he's cute looking guy, okay focus Emma this year is not about boys you should get your grades up that's what you promised your parents to do "hi I'm Emma nice to meet you calum!" I said smiling at him, he smiled back and said "you too it's my pleasure to tour you around school, I mean who's better at this than me ?" We laughed at his sense of humour it wasn't that funny but you know, plus he's a cute guy "we should go now Mrs Robinson so we're not late for our first class" he said "wait I didn't give Emma her schedule of classes, here it is " she said as she handed me my schedule of classes of every day "thanks bye now" I said as me and calum left her office.

"So what do you have for first period?" He said "ummm history, well this sucks for a first class" I said and he laughed "me too and yeah it does suck haha" he said. He walked me to our class and we entered the classroom, everybody was looking at us in shock, did they think we're together or something ? Or is he just popular guy who's used to be looked at whenever he enters a classroom?. I then asked him "why is everyone staring at us ? Is it me or you?" I said "Both I guess " he said "Okay class sit down. We have a new student here please welcome her, Emma Walton come introduce yourself" the history teacher said "hi as the teacher said I'm Emma I came from the USA even though my family travels a lot, I'm a sophomore and that's it I guess , thank you " I said "Thank you take the seat next to Michael " the teacher said. "Welcome" Michael said and smiled "thanks" smiling back.

45 minutes later

Finally this class is over, it's so boring ughhh. "Hey wait you still don't know where your next class is, what do you have next ?" Calum said shouting from far "oh yeah I totally forgot about this, I have english my favorite subject!" I said back "okay well I'm gonna get you there and I'll head to mine" he said "yeah that's good" I said

After he got me to my class and he went to his I entered the class room.

After it finished finally it's time for lunch break to EAT, I'm starving. I went to go buy something to eat from the vending machine and then went to the cafeteria tables, I didn't know where to sit I don't know anyone here. And then i saw calum waving at me to come sit with him and his friends, there is a girl sitting next to him she must be his girlfriend. "Come here Emma sit with us, so guys This Emma the new girl here and before you say anything Mia she's just a friend and I'm her tour guide so don't get jealous please babe " calum said "okay mister smarty pants thanks for explaining, nice to meet you Emma I'm mia his girlfriend as you see " Mia said, I thought she's gonna be bitchy about the situation turns out not she's actually nice that's a relief. "Hi I'm luke hemmings nice to meet you Emma " luke said smirking he must be the asshole popular guy "thanks guys nice to meet you too" I said smiling back. "So Emma why did you move here ?" Calum said "well my family travels a lot because of my dad's job he said we're going to settle in here ,but I don't believe him he said to that to the last 2 placed we lived in so I'm not really sure" I said "well I hope you stay" luke said, that's nice of him to say.

After we finished eating he told his friends he had to leave with me to show me the rest of the school.
When we finished I thanked him and went to our separate ways to our next period


I finished my last period which it was chemistry. I was in the hallway looking for my locker, aha found it
I put some books there and left some in my bag for homework and stuff. "You must be the new girl here, Emma right ?" A girl from behind me said. I turned around to see a blond girl with green eyes looking at me "that's right I'm Emma and you are ?" I said "oh I'm Ashley nice to meet you I saw you on english class And i said I should go say hi " she said "Oh yeah your face looks familiar nice to meet you too " I said "I saw you at chemistry too " I said "yeah that's good and i saw you sitting at cafeteria with calum and his friends. You'll be the next popular girl if you keep hanging out with them. And less talking to losers like me I guess" she said in a sad voice at the end "what?. Why would you say that about yourself and by the way if you think of me like these popular bully students I'm definitely not, I don't care who I'm friends with as long as I like them and they are nice people, trust me I hate bullies more than you think and I would do anything to stop them" i said "Oh really? Thank you. Wait until you meet Olivia and Isabella " she said while rolling her eyes "what about them ?" I said in a concern look "they are the bullies of this school" as she said that I saw two girls walking towards us "speaking of the devil here they come " she said with a scared voice "Hiiii you must be the new girl. I'm Olivia and this is my bestie Isabella, it's so nice to meet you!" She said in an excited way. I bet she actually like me "Hey um thanks I'm Emma if you don't already know" I said "you sound sad, it must be cause of talking to this loser of course hahaha" olivia said and laughed at the end, what a bitch "actually when you first came to talk to me. I smelled something bad it must be you" i said me and Ashley laughed at what I said while Olivia and Isabella got angry "you better not cross me Emma, you don't want to or you'll life would be miserable like any other loser who crosses me" olivia said angerly " oh really?. You think threatening me would scare me. You pathetic. People like you shouldn't cross me, we'll see who's gonna get scared first " I said then laughed while people were looking at us "enough Olivia. Can't you be nice to people around here?" Luke said as he would towards me and Ashley from the back "ugh luke you always defend losers and hang out with them a lot. Start thinking about you reputation before talking to them or you'll be in there level one day " Olivia said "oh Yeah?, and you think i care. I think your the one who start being nice or you'll be kicked out of this school. You know the principal knows all of your bullshit, and you know exaclty what I'm talking about" luke said in a serious way. Everyone then left to go home and so am I.

I came back home and went to my bedroom I'm done with this day.
I did my homework and went to bed early for school.
God what a first day. I hope it gets better.

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