Harry nodded, watching me intently. I quickly shook my head and chuckled slightly. "Enough about me. I wanna know more about Gemma." I folded my arms and glanced over to him.

"She was my number one support. She lives in my hometown in England but I moved over here with my father for school. She use to come and visit us by she doesn't really have time anymore. Dad wanted me to follow his footsteps and therefore study business here, but my mother just wanted both Gemma and I to follow what we wanted to do." He admitted. I blinked slightly at his opening up and honesty. I smirked lightly to myself but hid it quickly because I didn't want to turn Harry off talking to me.

"You didn't want to follow your dad's footsteps?" I question, frowning tenderly.

"Well yes and no. I had silly dreams that are impossible to achieve. My father's business is right in front of me laid out and yes I enjoy it but it's not originally what I wanted. I've learnt to accept it, otherwise dad will be disappointed in me." He shrugged. Our food came and was placed in front of us. I smiled happily and started digging in, earning a laugh from Harry due to my childishness.

"Well." I finally began after swallowing the food I craved so deeply. "No dreams are silly. What did you want to do?" I ask intently.

He shrugged, placing some of his rice in his mouth. "Something to do with music. The thing with music is you could be talented playing every instrument, producing and singing- and even then you wouldn't get a second glance from producers. It's a very difficult career to get into, I would rather something sustainable and more realistic to get into." He explained. I wouldn't see him as a musician at first glimpse, but after analysing him momentarily I nodded to myself and went back to eating.

"What?" He frowned confusingly.

"Oh nothing. I just could see you as a musician. I don't know, maybe in another universe." I shrugged with a smile.


I went to open my mouth to speak but my phone started ringing. I lifted the phone from the bench and looked at the caller ID.

"It's Noah." I commented. Harry looked at me briefly but swiftly averted his attention back to his meal. I shrugged my shoulders and answered the phone.

"Yes?" I asked into the phone.

"Why the fuck did you talk to Liam!" He screamed over the line so loud that I had to move the phone away from my ear for a moment.

"Well I didn't talk to him, he talked to me." I tried to deflect.

"This is Liam fucking Payne Ariana!" He yelled again, this time gaining Harry's attention.

"Sorry Noah but that's name truly means nothing to me." I rolled my eyes, scooping the last of my food into my mouth.

"Well it should." He basically growled. "Where are you?"

"Oh so you do care? I'm with Harry. I'm fine." I spat staring dully at the wall behind Harry.

"Don't ever speak to Liam again. He's a major threat Ariana Rose." He returned the conversation to its original continents.

"Whatever Noah James." I mocked, hanging up the phone and standing up from the table abruptly.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I said to Harry quietly before storming off. I stood in the bathroom and looked in the mirror, taping cold water on my cheeks to call down the heat on them without taking off all my makeup.

I understand Noah's situation. But he needs to understand that just because Liam's a threat to him doesn't mean he's a threat to me. We are different people living different lives.

He doesn't even know what we talked about? It was literally him trying to explain he isn't a threat? I was sick of being babied by Noah. There's being a protective brother, then there's being my father. There's a distinct line between the two and yet I can't tell which one Noah is trying to be anymore.

Once a recollected myself I left the bathroom to find Harry waiting by the door for me. I walked over to him and past him, straight to the car. Harry unlocked it and I sat inside the car and opened my phone to distract myself.

Harry got inside the car, looked at me briefly, then started the car.

"Oh shit sorry, here." I got $15 out of my wallet and attempted to hand it to him. He scowled at the money and pushed it away.

"Not way. My idea, my shout. You already asked if I could pay anyway." He shook his head, focusing on the road.

"Well I was clearly kidding. I'm not just going to let you cover my meal." I gave him a look.

"I'm not taking it." He refused. I shrugged and placed the money in the cup holder in the car. He gave me a look and I smiled widely.

"If you won't take the money your car can. The car can't say no." I smirked and looked out the window. I smiled after looking away, as I practically felt his eyes roll behind my back.

"I know you don't want to hear it, but Noah is right. You shouldn't communicate with Liam. He is a threat to us and therefore a threat to you due to your relationship with us." Harry said. I slumped my shoulders and looked back at him with an annoyed expression.

"Well as I said to him, Liam initiated the conversation. And you're right- I don't want to hear it." I glared at him before averting my attention away from him. Although I had a nice lunch I didn't want to hear any of them lecturing me at this time. Leaving today on a good note is a good step to a 'normal' friendship with Harry-

Or whatever you can call our relationship...

I'm so sorry about the wait. I've been working like 5am starts all week and having like 8-12 hour shifts with my two jobs and it's been difficult to find time and motivation to sit and write a chapter.

How are you liking Ariana and Harry's relationship growing? I like it ngllllll

Enjoy he rest of your day!!! ILY

Tash xx

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