Another Visit - 4

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The hooded figure moved silently, first checking the window ledge— it was still there— and then on the sleeping figure. They sighed, a high voice that felt as if it could make anyone do their bidding.

"Asleep for hours. Tsk." They spoke, shaking their head in disapproval as they looked for the food tray. "Shouldn't matter, anyways. They're on the other side of the complex, and he doesn't have to move for a while."

The person sounded like they were reassuring themselves. As if their decision was the correct one, whatever that may have been. "I'll be back for you. Take care, Ultima."
With that, they bent down and slipped something into the tray's drink. Sure that the Ultima was secure, they left the cell, making sure to lock it afterwards and clear any traces of them ever having been there.

• • •

The Ultima was awakened. Not by some grand gesture or even by a friend. No, the Ultima was awakened by the cold chains that tinkled and restricted his movement.

His eyes shot open as he remembered where he was. The gravity of the situation.

Terry had come earlier and talked to him. Told him about the guards. Said he was leaving for some meeting.

This could be an open window of opportunity; a chance to escape while he was away.

Aaron raised his hands to rub his eyes, banging himself with the clanging chains that had just woken him up.

The same chains that held his hands back and secured him to the wall. Examining the chains, Aaron noted that there were holes on the cuffs that held his hands. Keyholes. But they were too narrow, too deep, for his teeth to do any good against.

The food next to him, though, now that was easy for his teeth to go against. It tasted slightly off, especially the drink, but Aaron brushed it off and finished the meager meal silently, letting off a sigh afterwards. If this is what he was to be given, then they should have kidnapped a skeleton instead.

Then his werewolf ears— when had they come out— twitched and pointed forwards. His tail fur stood on end. Alerting. Alerting him of something.
A click sounded. Aaron whipped his head towards the door, but it wasn't the one that opened.
Another one, on the other side of the room, opened. It was ahead of Aaron, yet he hadn't noticed it. Now a figure stood in the doorway, backlit by the fluorescent lights outside. Just as imposing as the cell door.
The person walked towards the bars, revealing themselves to be—

"Ein?" Aaron questioned, unable to keep the word from spilling out.

Ein grinned. "Hello, Aaron. Nice to see you again, huh?" He paused, seeming to think something through in his head before adding, "I suppose we really didn't start off our reunion right. Well now, there's time later. Second impressions aren't really easier, are they?"

Maybe not for you, Aaron thought, still not completely believing his sight and memories. Why can't this be a dream? Maybe it is. It sure feels like one.

Then again, no one ever thinks that in a dream.

Ein shuffled closer to Aaron, a frown forming. He seemed slightly disappointed that Aaron hadn't responded to him.

Good. If you're here, you have to be working somewhat with Terry. And I never want to look at you or him again.

"You look different," Ein mumbled to himself. Aaron pretended not to notice, although it was hard not to with his ears. Ein seemed to realize this, too, and regained his composure. "Nevermind. If you're not willing to talk, listen. That girl that was with you— Aphmau, I'll assume she was— is fine."
Against his will, Aaron's ears pricked and his tail swung slightly. The news comforted him, even from Ein.

And then, Ein seemed to backtrack. "I would, again, assume so anyways. I don't know where she is." Aaron deflated. Ein seemed to be happier.
"But don't let that get your hopes down, eh Aaron? You've got a very nice view of the outside! Plus," he included, "you have guards patrolling every day, every hour. Oh, I guess that's more of a 'me' thing, hm?" He laughed. Aaron growled under his breath.

"I'll be seeing you, Aaron. Have fun."
With that, Ein spun around and left, allowing the door to slam closed in his wake and leaving Aaron in an angry, confused state.

Defeated, the Ultima laid back down on the spot he had woken up in this mess on, closed his eyes, and wished himself to rest.

I'm going to need all the energy I can get to break out of here. And I'll come back for you, Terry. You won't be forgotten either, Ein. You won't even miss me.

You won't even know I'm gone.

• • •

If Aaron had succeeded in jumping into the ledge, if his chains were just a little bit longer, if the wind had decided to play in everyone's favor and blow, a tiny box would have been discovered.

Maybe it was best it wasn't. What if it had been found by someone other than the correct recipient? But then, what if it was found while laying there, being assaulted by the changing weather and the bugs that went about life's path?

Whichever way it would be revealed, only one thing would remain the same: the gift inside. A paper— perhaps marked, perhaps not— and a pencil.

Not much of a gift in many eyes, but for the right person, it would mean the world.

Which means that perhaps it was good that the wind never blew, that Aaron's chains were just that little too short, that the grass was tall enough to obscure its white and purple exterior.

Maybe fate decided that for once, this little event could go right.

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