Button on the Wall - 10

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Note: Partially because I haven't been much a part of the fandom, and partially because I'm drifting off from said fandom a bit, most of this story isn't going to be accurate. Backstories and other details won't be the same as Jess's story.

I wanted to clear that up before continuing.

Thanks for reading.

The funeral had gone as expected.

Everyone had cried a little; wailed a little; sobbed a little.
Everyone had said their goodbyes and said their prayers.
Everyone had leaned on each other for help throughout.
Everyone had wanted the comfort of being held.
And everyone had sent the casket off, letting the small, beautifully decorated grave drift where it would in the sea.

Aphmau had been close to them all, and all to her.
She wouldn't be forgotten easily. Perhaps never. She might not live in here, but she'd be in their hearts.

For her most closest friends on board, this struck them the hardest— out of nowhere, their very best friend was gone.

Someone who could light up a broken day with a grin and a silly idea.
Someone who smiled through it all, even if she was scared and only did it to make the situation seem less frightening.
Someone special to each and every one of  them, who had all grown to love her in one way or another.

As the days went on, everyone seemed to get more and more reassured that it would all, eventually, be okay.

It was unusual, and everyone knew it, but no one said anything. It was like telling your birthday wish out loud before blowing out the candles: saying it would break the spell, and it wouldn't come true.

So they went on in a subdued silence, mostly nodding to one another and occasionally snickering at silly things, never once taking a moment to stop and think about anyone or anything else unrelated to Aphmau's death. The only thing on their minds was being happy.

The least they could do was be happy. For Aph.

•   •   •

Zane banged on the cage bars that separated him from freedom, red hands throbbing from the pain.

He didn't care that it hurt very much. As long as he could get out of here, it'd be alright. He'd get it bandaged up, if anything.

He yelled out again to the guards.

"Why in Irene's name are you keeping me here? There's got to be some reason!"
Zane's voice was edged with desperation, though he hoped they didn't hear.

The guards didn't answer.

Zane sighed and backed off. He realized that this wasn't going to do any good; all he would get from them is silence. Grumbling to himself, Zane stepped backwards to the other side of the cell and plopped down. The ground was cold and hard, but it was better than standing.

"What do they want with me?" Zane questioned. He knew it had to be some type of experiment, judging from that room he'd been in a couple days ago.

Er. Yesterday? Today?

There wasn't a way to tell time here, that was for sure. There hadn't even been a glimmer of light since he had been here.

And then, another question popped up.

Has anyone looked for him?
Did anyone look for him? Had it been long enough for someone to even be worried?

It had been way too early for anyone to have been up when Zane left. For all he knew, it was still the same day, and no one would care or know.

Except for Aph. Or Garroth.
Or possibly Kawaii~Chan.

Fine, a couple people would know and care. Everyone else probably didn't, though. They'd just shrug it off and say he was being some weird emo and "needed some time alone".

Zane snorted. He wasn't better off here— no way in heck could he be— but there had to be some reason.

Or maybe he had to make his own reason.

Well. He did have that skirmish with Ein before—

And just like that, pieces clicked into place.
Ein was behind this all, wasn't he? Of course. He probably had some sort of experiment to test out.

An experiment..

With human subjects.

Zane shot up. Again? No, not really. It couldn't be. This had to be some mistake, a misunderstanding. After that last time, at the lodge...

Thoughts whirred.

He had to get out. He simply had to escape, along with anyone else Ein may have taken with him. Whatever Ein was planning, Aph needed to know.

Oh Irene, that brought him to another point of concern. What if he had Aaron, too? And that's why they hadn't been able to find him?

Rushing to his feet, Zane began to think of some sort of plan to get out of here.
Right before making eye contact with the man on the other side of the bars.

"Going somewhere, Zane," Ein snickered.

Speak of the devil.

"Ein. What are you doing here?"
Stupid, considering this had to be his base, but it was all Zane could think of at the moment. Ein couldn't know what he knew.

Ein didn't seem to notice. "What am I doing here? What are you doing here? I'm sure you're just itching to know!"

I've already figured that out.

"You're going to tell me anyways, aren't you?"

"Mmph. Maybe. Maybe not. Only time will tell, friend." Ein waggled his finger. "And even then, I don't think time cares enough about something as little as you."


"You're the one who's caged."

Point taken. Zane frowned.

"Well, anyways, I thought I'd check up on my favorite guests. I suppose you're alright in there? Yes? That's great." And with that, Ein sauntered off.


Turning back to the cell with new determination, Zane began to search every nook and cranny; Ein was careful, but he wasn't that careful. There was always some sort of obvious way out.

As predicted, there was a way out. The obvious way out.

In the darkest corner of the cell, there was a bump in the wall. Small and rectangular, it seemed that it could be pressed.

"Huh. A button."
Zane pressed it.

And it opened up, revealing a dim tunnel that went on a bit, turned a corner, and left his field of view.
With no other alternatives, and very little time, Zane took a breath, took a step, and took one more chance at freedom.

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