Overboard - 3

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⚠️WARNING! Descriptive Gore(?) ahead!

Aph collapsed back into the warm, inviting bed. Her muscles ached and her head felt weighted down. Closely behind her was Lucinda, a small laugh escaping her mouth as she trotted into the room.

Aphmau groaned. "Why are you laughing," she asked, voice muffled by the pillow she was currently face down on. She didn't feel like moving from that position. She was too tired.

"Because I told you not to wear yourself out. Now look at you!" Lucinda smiled once more before walking out of the room.
"Hold on, I'll be right back."

If I don't fall asleep standing up, that is, Lucinda thought, rubbing tired eyes. The day had worn her out just as much as Aph.

They had begun early that next morning. Very early; unable to lay still any longer, Aphmau had forced Lucinda to head out. It had been around six, so any sane person would have been in bed. All the better to find clues with, Aph had reasoned.
They'd searched the route Aph and Aaron had taken. There was nothing.
Then Aph had the idea to search every alley and shady place they came across. Nothing.
Lucinda's magic came into play by the end of the day. Aphmau had gotten so fed up that she had started begging to search the other sections of the park. Since it was such a large place, Lucinda had ended up teleporting them often. It was hasty and messy, but she got through most of the sections before dusk. Lucinda had lost Aph in the crowds— and to the food stalls— more than once.
By the time they got back to the boat, Aphmau had been tired and aching, and Lucinda had been drained of magic. No one said a word to them, and they didn't say anything back.

I guess it was for the better. We'll tell them about Aaron soon.

Finding her room, she stepped inside, immediately heading for her small supply of emergency potions. In the dim light, she had to really squint to make out the labels, but eventually found the one she needed.
A small bottle, it was marked with a white rectangle signed 'Ache Reliever'. Lucinda stood with the bottle and held it firmly in her hands.


Aph felt herself drifting off.

"...at you!"

Did Lucinda say something?

"Hold on, I'll be right back."
A door closed, somewhere behind her and to the left. Although groggy, Aph figured that Lucinda had left. She didn't mind, wanting some peace to sleep.

I hope she brings back something to stop my muscles from hurting. Maybe I shouldn't sleep yet.

Aphmau decided to wait, fighting off sleep as much as she could. Exhausting herself this much had taken its toll. She shouldn't have pushed herself so hard. But Aaron was out there, somewhere. She needed to find him.

"Maybe I'll run into someone who saw him.."

She hoped so.
If not...

If not.

There wasn't really a way to describe the emptiness Aph already felt, deep inside. The cold feeling that had found its way around her in a cruel blanket. Digging into every loose crevice and tearing her apart.

Aaron was her anchor. Someone who kept her whole when times were tough.

She couldn't afford to lose that.
She couldn't afford to lose him.


The soft creaking of floorboards and light footsteps signaled someone's approach. A female voice called out. "Here, take this. It'll help with your soreness. Then it's time to sleep."

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