Paranoia or Reality Chapter 28

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Jethro looked at the i.d. on his phone and smiled at the name that appeared. Jack couldn't help herself when it came to him. She'd made him her mission to work her psychological skill on, but he continued to push back. And he toyed a little with her on their personal relationship. He enjoyed her company more than he let on.

"Jack, what's up?"

"How is he?"

"Who are we talking about?"

"Your friend."

"He's improving. What's up?"

"I have some interesting information for you on your friend's past, a case for the CIA that led to the actions of Cairns on him. It's not just that fact he was after your friend's father, it was something from 1990."

"Tell me." Gibbs' eyes went on alert again, anything that pertained to this information Jack shared with him was top secret.

"Thanks, Jack. I'll speak with him and get back to you."

"Can I speak to him?"

"He's dead, remember?" Gibbs reminded Jack of the illusion their agency had put in place for Callen's protection.

"Okay. Call me when you have something to pass on this way."


Gibbs stepped into the private room and watched the sleeping form of Callen in the bed before him. He looked peaceful when he slept, something his friend hadn't done much in his earlier years in case someone tried to hurt him.

"He's just fallen back off to sleep. The exercise is wearing him out."

"It's good that he is walking." Gibbs angled his head towards the door. "How about you take a break, go for a walk, get something decent to eat and drink. I can sit with him for a bit."

"Thanks." Sam rose, his eyes shifting towards his partner one more time.

"Call me if he wakes."

"I'm sure you'll be back before he does."

Gibbs settled in the vacant chair and looked at Callen. Slow steady breaths and the constant beeping of the heart monitor reaffirmed his friend was alive and on his way to recovery.

"Has he gone?" Callen's blue eyes opened and stared at Gibbs.

"Stephen. Are you playing games with Sam already?"

"I'm bored lying here or sitting in that chair. What I need is to escape this place and head to where my family is. I'm going crazy."

"Patience was never your thing."

"Nor yours either. Sam, however, appears to have the patience for everyone."

"He's well trained in the SEALs."

"And you weren't in the Marines?" Callen scoffed.

"Point taken. I've become irritable in my old age."

"Yeah, like you're that ancient yet," Callen smirked. "I bet there's something going on with that Forensic Psychologist you keep mentioning to me. What's her name? Jack. That's right. Tell me about her."

"Actually, it's funny you should bring her up. She just called with something interesting from your past."

Callen frowned. "What is it?"

"How much do you remember about your first case with the CIA?"

Callen frowned, thinking hard. "I was kidnapped and shot. I don't remember much other than a woman, De something, saved my life and got me out of Moscow with Hetty's help. Why?"

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