Paranoia or Reality Chapter 34

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Nothing passed Garrison, like his son, Hetty observed. She'd barely finished her conversation with Mr Beale, when he beelined for her, for a private conversation.

"Henrietta, tell me," he pressed. "Stephen has updated me, I know what's going on, if I can help, let me make a call."

"Mr Deeks and his partner are safe. Unfortunately, I do not know for how long, since they remain within Russia's borders."


Hetty drew in a deep breath and expelled it. "Walk with me, Garrison." She didn't want anyone to overhear their conversation. They headed for the jetty and she took in the serenity of the place, the stillness of the inlet, with forest covered mountains to the east. Why would anyone wish to live anywhere else, when you had this? she mused.

"They have refuge in Beseda."

"That is near the Narvskoye Vodokhranishche. I have a trusted friend who could get them into Estonia by boat. Isn't that where they were supposed to have reached?"

"Yes." Hetty's mind whirled. "It would be better to get them out soon. Who knows who is searching for them?"

"You can use my satellite phone to make your call." She pulled the brick out of her jacket pocket and handed it over to Garrison. Why hadn't she thought Garrison may know of someone to help them? Her worry was clouding her judgement and she wasn't thinking clearly.

Garrison spoke in fluent Russian to his trusted friend, and he stopped and looked at Hetty for the address. She gave it to him without hesitation, understanding the need to trust Grisha's father with this task. Garrison made a second call, before handing the phone back to Hetty.

"Thank you." She took the phone and made a quick call to Eric to update him. He quickly sent a coded message to Deeks, hoping he saw it and expected the arrival of Garrison's friend.

The wooden door to the bedroom quietly opened. Elena peeped her head out, she too had heard the noise and went on alert. Her eyes scanned the sig in Deeks' hand and nodded, pleased he held the weapon in his hands. She knew he was a good marksman, one had to be when Hetty was in charge. She tiptoed to the kitchen for a knife, and held it in her hand, waiting for the attack.

A faint knock sounded. "Aunt Bertha and Uncle Barty? I have your kitten food for delivery." The man held a Russian accent, and neither Deeks or Elena trusted the man.

"We do not have a cat which needs the food," Elena responded with perfect Russian. "You have the wrong address."

"A friend sent me. Garrison is my friend. He asked me to get you into Estonia quickly. A Miss Henrietta Lange is with him."

Deeks' head whirled. Garrison was the alias Callen's father used these days, and the last he'd heard, he was in a safe location, rescued and hidden by a relative of Callen's mother. His eyes shifted for the laptop and moved every so quietly to see if Eric sent another message. They remained cautious since their rescuer had arrived a day early. However, this man knew too much and only someone sent by Garrison and Hetty, would know this kind of detail.

Deeks spied the message. "Good news, Aunt Bertha and Uncle Barty. We have someone close by who can deliver your kitten's food sooner. Be ready to receive your order."

A sigh expelled out of Marty's lips, and nodded to Elena. "It's safe."

Elena nodded in return and walked to the door, unlocking the door. The knife remained in her hand, just in case.

"Please come in."

The man placed a bag of kitten food on the floor near to the door. His eyes moved between Elena and Marty. "Have you heard from your friends if they are safe?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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