Paranoia or Reality chapter 10

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Los Angeles

Fear for her team leader clenched her insides. Or perhaps it was guilt for sending him to Mexico—the mission that had almost killed him. Their working relationship had been on tenterhooks from the moment she arrived at OSP, but even more so since Mexico. Shay Mosley dialled her phone, tapping a pen against the pad on her desk. She wouldn't lose another agent. Losing Special Agent Harley Hidoko like she had, ripping her heart into pieces. She was young, too young to have died as she had. She should never have sent her alone. No! She would do what it took to protect Agent Callen, no matter what consequences it resulted between them on his return. She needed to protect her people, show them they mattered.

"Paul. I need a favour."

Paul Reid had known Shay Mosley since their time at FLETC in Georgia and at the James J. Rowley Training Center in Washington D.C. They'd worked together over the years in the Secret Service, and they met up when they were in the same city, since he moved across to the FBI, ten years prior. They'd not seen each other for the past five years with the job getting in the way, keeping them busy in different cities. They remained in contact via phone or email these days.

"Mosley. It's been a while."

"Too long. I'm busy dealing with the Pacific region."

"What's that favour?"

"I've heard some chatter about some former KGB officers are after one of their own. A Major Nikita Reznikov, and another man, G. Callen."

"Isn't Callen NCIS these days?" Paul knitted his brow, he looked at his laptop puzzled.

"He is. He's the reason I'm calling. He's one of my agents, and I need to know everything about this chatter. Is it credible or a spoof, like he's thinking it is, and who these men are?"

"The intel hasn't crossed my desk yet. I'll look into it."

"Thanks, Paul."



"Are you okay? I heard about what happened in Mexico."

Shay closed her eyes and heaved out a breath. "I have my son back and most of my agents."

"Harley was a good agent." Paul met her on one occasion when she was new out of FLETC. "She would have done anything for you."

"Yes, she would." I t didn't release the guilt she carried with her.

"I'll look into this intel, see what I can find for you about your agent. You look after yourself, Shay."

"Thanks, Paul. I appreciate it." She disconnected the call and threw the pen across the room. It hit the glass wall and dropped onto the floor, laying there as a reminder of her anger. The rage that bubbled under the surface but doesn't quite explode. There were days she wished it did explode. Why didn't she lose it and show them all what a complete failure she was in this role? Why couldn't she cry for Harley, who had sacrificed her life for her son?

She'd been selfish, she knew that. But what mother wouldn't do what it took to rescue her son? Derek needed her, needed to be rescued from the hands of his father, who had abducted him and taken him out of the country. He was just a kid and she did what she could to bring him home, safe. But at what costs? Retired Navy Admiral Hollace Kilbride, had made certain she understood the cost.

She promised herself she wouldn't do it like that again by risking her agents' lives as she had for her son. Derek was safe with her family while she worked endlessly for her government. This is why by sending Callen to Europe now that this chatter had reached her, it had her anxious. She pushed her desk chair back from the desk and stormed out of her office. She needed some fresh sea air and a new perspective on this case.

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