Paranoia or Reality Chapter 27

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Thea lifted her head up to the blue sky and praised God for saving her husband from certain death. After speaking with Stephen, her spirits lifted. She still had to wait a week before he could arrive at Flathead Lake, but he was safe and alive, healing and moving. Two more broken ribs, the same ones from Mexico. She continued to hold a grudge against Mosley for her husband's near-death over three months ago, now her anger was aimed at a new culprit, Eric Cairns. He'd lost his position at Langley and will face time in prison, but even that didn't give her enough comfort. Not until she held her husband in her own arms and saw that he was indeed safe.

Movement from behind her caught her attention. John Callen had returned and this time he was not alone. He had returned with his wife, Natalia, and a familiar face, her neighbour, Audrey Harper.

She moved swiftly up the hill to meet them, demanding answers as to why John had brought Audrey to their safe place.

"Why is she here?" Thea burst out immediately.

"Walk with me, Thea. Please." John led her away from the vehicle, out of hearing from Audrey.

"Jason Harper was my son, my long lost son from over thirty years ago. He was ten when his mother left me. I thought I had lost him for good, only to discover he'd found me, and it led him to become an agent. His mother changed their family name, that is why I never found them. Audrey is pregnant with my grandchild and Sean was family to your husband and children. Until it is safe for her to return to L.A., she needs somewhere to stay in the meantime. She's scared and grieving. She needs you all to get through this pregnancy."

"By bringing her here, you place us all in danger."

"No, I haven't. It's safe now. Eric Cairns and his men have been arrested."

"Then why can't she return to L.A.?"

"We need to tie up the loose ends on who these Russian mercenaries are before you can all return home."

"Do we know why Eric Cairns framed our people and wants my husband dead?"

"Agent Jack Sloane has found some interesting facts about Cairns. Let me fill you all in at once."

"I do not want my children to know anything about this. Tell me here." Her patience had run dry.

"Please, let me tell you all at once," John urged her. "Kensi's mother can entertain the children while we talk."

Thea nodded her head. Her eyes shifted to the new visitors, studying John's wife before shifting to Audrey—the neighbour she never had much opportunity to know very well before now.

"Thea?" Audrey took a step towards her. "I'm sorry if my being here is a concern to you. I never wanted any harm to come to you or your family."

"Yet, your husband knew we were in danger and said nothing." Thea bit on her tongue to stop the blame that rushed out. "I'm sorry, Audrey. You did not deserve that."

"You are right. I did know. Jason, I mean, Sean, he told me to tell Stephen to run if anything happened to him. I wanted to know more but he asked me to trust him. For months I sat on the knowledge that there was a threat out on your husband. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what happened to him too."

Thea's eyes shifted to John for clarification. "She knows?"

"No, actually," John admitted, sheepishly. He turned to Audrey, "I apologise, I was under strict instruction to not tell you until we reached here. Stephen is alive."

Audrey heaved out a heavy breath. Relief washed over her. "Thank goodness for that. What happened?"

"Let's go inside and talk." John walked up beside her and led her inside.

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