Paranoia or Reality Chapter 6

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"This is about a Fabergé egg?" Callen asked Kensi, who was in disbelief over the discovery. He'd read about them and knew there were collectors all around the world who owned them these days, only a couple remained in Russia. "So it wasn't the hidden tin we found they were after?"

"No. Audrey knew nothing about her husband's secret life as an NCIS agent, which is nothing new to us." How many times had they all created a fake life to tell friends who knew their real identities over the years?

"But she's been very helpful on what they were looking for. She thought it was French, not Russian."

"I suppose Fabergé sounds more French." Callen chewed on the inside of his cheek, thinking. "Pass on the details to Eric. Do you have the details of her business partner who found her this morning? We need to interview her."

"I do. I'll send it through to you." Kensi sounded tired and needed to sit down after her busy morning.

"Go back to OSP. Take it easy or I'll have Deeks on my back."

Kensi smiled at his concern for her by using Deeks as a cover, when she knew it was Callen who was making sure she was okay. "Thanks, Callen."

By the time Callen, Sam, and Deeks returned to the Boat Shed, Rebekah Gaskill was waiting for them to interview her about what she found that morning. She was their first point of a witness other than Audrey.

"Hi, Rebekah Gaskill?" Callen walked over and shook her hand. "I'm..."

"I know who you are. You are Audrey and Jason's neighbour, Stephen. Audrey's mentioned you and your family a few times."

"Oh!" Callen was taken back. "I didn't know them very well, they kept to themselves. We need to ask you some questions about what you saw when you entered the house this morning."

"Sure." She was shaking and she wrapped her arms around herself for comfort.

Sam walked over with a blanket and placed it over her shoulders. She looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you." She pulled the blanket closer.

"I can't stop shaking. It's terrible. I keep thinking I'm stuck in a terrible dream and I'll wake up and find it's all okay."

"You're in shock." Callen looked over and spotted Deeks busy beside the kettle. "Detective Deeks is making you a cup of tea. We appreciate you coming in to talk to us."

"Anything to help you find who did this."

"How well did you know Jason?" Callen decided to get the background, hoping it would calm the woman before getting into the details of what she saw that morning.

"Pretty well. He was always a really friendly, happy guy. Generous too."

"How so?"

"Always helping the woman's shelter down the road doing repairs to the place. They rely on volunteers to keep that place afloat."

"Was there anything about Jason that maybe you thought he was keeping secrets from Audrey?"

"No, not a thing. He was a great husband to Audrey, always making sure she was happy and well looked after." She frowned. "Why are you asking me these questions?"

"We're looking into Jason's life, to understand what brought on last night's events."

"He's an engineer. What could he have done to have caused their home invasion and to be killed in front of Audrey like that?" Her face was pale from the horror she'd seen.

"That's what we're looking into."

Rebekah nodded. "I can't see anything that would bring on being killed like that. Poor Audrey. Jason was the love of her life."

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