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"Want to dance?" Adam stated as he stood beside her, coming back from his short retreat.

As she stared at his brilliantly black eyes that were now reflecting the interchangeable colors of the blinding lights, she thought of all the information she knew about him. He had told her at her house that he, like her, did not come from a very fortunate family, but he worked extremely hard to climb higher and higher in the ranks of his job. He ,too, did not have much friends, but he held the one or two friends that he had close to his heart and considered them family - he did not feel the need to have a thousand friends to feel complete.

When she had spontaneously asked him why he kept accepting her date proposals, he had explained that she genuinely intrigued him. He had told her that even though she seemed to get mad at him when he does it, he still persists to come in time every date. He then told her that he was afraid that if he once came late, she would no longer ask him out. The idea saddened him, and, though she refused to admit it, the idea saddened her too. She thought his explanation was a nice one - she would even go to describe it as sweet.

Still, she had no choice but to kill him - her decision was final and obsolete.

Was it?

Yes it is you idiot! She scolded herself. What are you even thinking? Yes, she admittedly was experiencing a growing fondness towards him, but that certainly did not outweigh the strength that she still held to her one belief! Her fondness of him resembled a river - flowing and may change course at any second-, but her fondness to her beliefs resembled the bark of a tree - rigid, certainly not going anywhere, and very much concrete!

So, she decided that she would still continue and persist; she would invite him for yet another date, and would put all her efforts into him coming late. There was no other alternative - and that was final! She, like him, did not have many - more like any - friends (though she presumed that she would have killed them anyways if they were ever once late). She knew her lack of friends was for the best, for friends and people and dates come and go, but this whole killing thing was the only constant in her life; the one thing that made her feel complete!

All the while, her gaze never faltered once from his piercing black eyes. So, with a smile that hid malicious intents and fatal lies, she replied:

"Yes, let's dance,"

and he swept her off her feet.

He Just Refuses to DieWhere stories live. Discover now