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And just like every night, this night went on, 

She glanced at the clock and smiled: it was almost time for him to be gone, 

he excused himself to the restroom, and she made sure he was out of sight,

before she slipped it in his drink, and then slipped a little more out of spite, 

he came back to the table, wherein she, too, excused herself, 

so he was left alone with strangers, sitting all by himself, 

he took a sip of his drink, and he thought it tasted funny, 

and in just a little over a minute, his head started going fuzzy, 

a scream soon echoed around the place, one that echoed fear, 

as the people saw his head hit the table and become gashed so severe, 

as if on cue, she exited the restroom with not a single sound,

she then slipped out of the backdoor, and she was then no where to be found.

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