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She stood frozen as she felt the hurried, chaotic movements of the crowd,

while the stinging air of the night slapped her right across the cheek and she almost bowed.

As the subway train's door closed, there was now not even half an inch of space to fit a needle,

and she wondered if any person in the crowd felt remotely such as her: very weak, and even more feeble.

As the train roared on, nearing her destination,

she could not help but recall the events of the night - the despair of her situation,

She wondered how a person like him could ever be so cruel,

he ruined all her hard work, and he sure as hell played her like a fool.

She knew she could have sliced open his pretty face right there on the spot, but she held on to her one belief,

and it was simple, really: if her date was even a second late, she would murder him, making sure it was brief.

But the bastard came exactly at eight, as if he sensed his life depended on it,

And there was nothing she could have done, except to get out of that restaurant or be with him and sit.

As she slumped over the pathetic excuse of her life, she got a sudden revelation,

A revelation so great, one that exceeded all expectation,

She knew what she had to do, and that was to invite him for another date,

and she was certain that this time, he will leave her stranded at that table to wait,

for his timely presence must have been by pure luck last time, the occurrence must have been wild,

as the train's door opened and the freezing air slapped her face once again,

she did not bow this time, but instead, she smiled.

He Just Refuses to DieWhere stories live. Discover now