"Name checks out." She laughed, munching on her pizza.

"Sure does." I chuckled nervously.

"Is there something you're not telling me, Perseus?" She said darkly. Oh gods, she's serious, fuck.

"How about you meet her? I'm sure you two will get along." I replied, changing the topic.

"Sure! I'll go to your place later, I'll ditch my shift." She said, her eyes lighting up.


"I'm ho-" I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Welcome home, Perseus." She replied sweetly, as if she wasn't sitting on the unconscious body of my next door neighbor.

"Woah, what happened here?" Nancy asked, conveniently entering the door.

"This filthy male knocked on the door and started to grope me." She spat angrily, glaring at Thomas.

"Cool, I'm Nancy."

"Artemis," She said, standing up from Tom's stomach. "You'd make a fine hunter." She whispered the last part mostly to herself.

"Now that pleasantries are over, mind helping me set up?" I asked, mostly to Nancy.

"We should probably clean up first." Nancy replied, gesturing to Artemis poking Tom's arm that was bent at a weird angle.

"Yeah." I said, putting down the wires of my second hand Xbox 360.


"You do not tell anyone of this. Understand?" I said, handing him a few bucks to bribe him to keep quiet, though it's against my principles, it isn't very nice to let someone I consider my friend to go to jail.

Speaking of, Artemis probably replaced my position of being Nancy's favorite friend. (Considering I'm the only one... probably)

Like, dude! They're playing Mario Kart without me! I'm offended.

"Percy? Pass the snacks please." This is like the billionth time they asked me that, their eyes glued to the screen. Dam, they can eat.

"Perseus." I heard a somewhat familiar male voice whisper, breaking me out of my reverie.

"What? Huh?" I whispered back smartly, though slightly startled.

"I must warn you."

"About what?" I asked loudly.

"Perce who're ya talking to?" Nancy asked.

"Uh... my left out self because you guys won't let me play." I said sleepily, noticing the time.

"I better go, I have a morning shift tomorrow. See ya!" Nancy said, looking at her watch and running out the door while grabbing her jacket.

"Bye." Me and Artemis said in chorus.

"That was creepy." In unison again.

"Stop that!" Again.

We stayed in silence after that, just the glow of the telivision set and the lights outside illuminating our eyes. Damn, Artemis has some great eyes. Pools of melted silver that you can drown in for eternity, yet a  bit yellowish, like the glow of the moon.

"—ercy, Percy!" She yelled.

"Uh, what?" I asked, startled.

"Who were you talking to earlier?"

"You heard?"

"Of course I did, now tell me, who was that earlier?"

"The consciousness that was there at my worst moment. I named him, I talked to him for a bit, I didn't know who he was, I didn't even care if he just killed me then. I have a bond with him, though it's weird to say that to something you knew only for a few weeks."

"When Perseus?"

"Annabeth broke up with me, the day I left camp and now."

Silence. A comfortable silence echoed in the room, a gentle light settled in Artemis' eyes, something I didn't know why was the fact that I felt comfortable sharing things with her, it was as if we knew each other since the beginning of time.

"Thanks Artemis, finally someone who I can tell about my hallucinations."

"Maybe they aren't, Percy. But whatever they are, I won't judge you. Male or not."

"That is like the best compliment I ever heard you give." I laughed, her joining in with her own giggles.

I've never felt so comfortable in such a long time.

1042 words

Hey guys! Thanks for continuing the story, I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday. I swear I have a pretty good reason but I lost it in the bin. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and I'm sorry for Artemis being OOC, I'll try to put in as much character development as I can. Thanks for reading!


||Stuck with Me|| a Pertemis Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें