Part 9

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Poor Isabel went through so much shit. She's been much more cautious since the whole finding out about herself and vampires but also me and Kat. I looked over to wear both of our clothes laid in a pile and she slept next to me. Damn it. It'd already been a year since I came here to find the blood of Eve and turns out me and her bedded each other instead. To me it was fine because we really did love each other. I ran my hand softly through that pink hair I grew to love and she laid on her side to face me, kissing my wrist and smiling so I leaned over and kissed her cheek.

Avalina: "Morning sunshine. How'd you sleep?"

She giggled, knowing fully well neither of us did but she acted like she was thinking then sighed.

Isabel: "Amazing. I think need more soon. Think you can help with that Ave~"

I raised an eyebrow in a flirty way and pinned her down, arms to her sides with a smirk and rested between her thighs. I had on a bra and underwear while she had on a long shirt and her underwear.

Avalina: "mmm, that so? Good cause I can help you now if you want me to."

She giggled and kissed me. Both of us smiled when I got off the bed.

Isabel: "We're not even properly dating but you let Simon get me so drunk that we well.... Yeah. Also how in the hell are you so good with your hands? I get your a vampire and have that good speed but wow."

I smiled and looked back at her. She was sitting up at the side of the bed touching her head.

Avalina: "You seduced me remember? I did absolutely nothing until you started to kiss my neck and even got my shirt off. That was when I took control. Also I'm a ROYAL vampire. There are MANY things I'm good at and pleasuring my.. Friend is one of them."

I playfully winked while straddling her thighs and hugging her. She put her arms around me and kissed my forehead.

Isabel: "So I'm a friend when I'm not between the sheets now?"

I looked at her seriously and inhaled. Blood of Eve? So what. What I saw in front of me was the one human I loved truly and adored.

Avalina: "I don't want to be friends anymore. I want to be with you. I want to be the one person you love. The one person you feel safe with. The one you let do things like this with... All of that."

She smiled brightly and kissed my cheek.

Isabel: "Are you asking me out? If you are then I won't hesitate to say yes. As I said last night. As and ye shall receive."

I smiled and kissed her again, noust, no memories, just love. Pure and simple love. I smiled against her lips when she pulled away and my arms rested around the back of her neck.

Avalina: "Be my significant other."

She grinned at me and met my eyes with a very small giggle.

Isabel: "you're not smooth at all. Yes though. I will be your girlfriend Ava~"

I giggled at the nickname and climbed off her lap.

Avalina: "So "Babe" Wanna shower? We can go out after wards but we both still smell like sex and besides. Youll smell like me~"

She smiled and shook her head with a laugh. God I loved everything about her. From the way she smiled to the way she laughed, even the way her eyes turned tk a moon shape when she smiled and or laughed.

Isabel: "Does it matter how I smell? Your scent goes beyond just how I smell on the outside you know? You can literally always smell my blood right?"

I frowned lightly and bit my lower lip softly. She was right. I didn't know how she smelled anyway. Just that it was eternally sweet because of her blood.

Avalina: "No complaints either way Izzy. Come on. Shower with me. I'll wash your hair even~"

She giggled and shook her head before taking my hand and going with me. The water was super cold against our skin at first but we both smiled when it was warmer.

Isabel: "You're beautiful. No matter what you're doing. You always look so perfect. Must be nice to be a vampire that way."

I shook my head no. Already knowing what she was talking about.

Avalina: "Oh trust me. It may seem like it's flawless. The eternal grace, the beauty. All of the e handed senses even. I promise though. It's the worst thing to want to kill someone because you thirst for their blood. Or to rip someone apart for the good of others. A sire must always do what's needed for their... Vampires. For the first year they feed the vampires with their blood to make sure that their human side dies fully. Then they kill for them and make sure they don't go hungry. That's a good reason I don't sire."

She kissed me and I made her turn around, grabbing my rose scented shampoo and putting a little in my hand, softly massaging it into her scalp and taking the showerhwad down to make sure the soap was out before doing her conditioner. She leaned into me and made me smile while back hugging her and putting the head back with my other hand.

Isabel: "If you were to sire me... Would we be able to forever be together? I'm a human still and that means unlike you I can die."

I kissed her ear and rested my head in her shoulder before speaking.

Avalina: "You wouldn't be a normal vampire. Your blood gives you incredible healing abilities and other things. You'd be exactly like a royal blood minus the fact you could die like a normal vampire. Plus all vampires would double their attacks on you because that means your blood is stronger sort of. Also I can die. It's just super hard unless you have the blood of one ofy parents and a blood blessed by the former and last which that had the blood of Eve. She was killed but bonded her blood into a knife that somehow gave the blood to you. I'm not fully sure that full story. Just that a total truly can die and that vamps have been after this blood for centuries. Maybe longer. Never have they got it because none of the people were fully human and defenceless. Except that you're not defenceless now with me and Kat."

She smiled over her shoulder and I snuck a kiss before she bowed me playfuy and got out.

Isabel: "We're going on a date like you promised when you're dressed. I'll choose the outfits so you can relax a bit longer in the shower."

I smiled and giggled lightly. God she made me feel normal sometimes. She wanted us to be together for good and I'd love that but for now until it was fully safe I knew I couldn't let that happen just yet. Nothing would happen to her on my watch. Not now, or ever.

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