Part 6

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Watching her run around having fun was different than when we were children. As kids Isabel was less outgoing and studied more to make mom and dad proud. As the middle child I never truly felt their hate but everyone else did. Minus her of course. She was really young when we all died in front of her too, which was what made me sad to stand here beside her as a stranger to my own baby sister. As the heir of the blood of Eve I made it my goal to protect my sister through everything even if it meant going against my side vampire whom saved me and brought me from death to this monster. Standing next to her seeing her smiling and alive....Seeing she was so unaware of who she truly was made me feel at peace. Later that day the entire soccer team plus that red head and a boy. The female had a dark vibe to her and smelled of...Something different not different like Isabel but different.

Simon: "You're new on the team. How's my baby sister treating you? I heard it's all good things and that you're a great player even. "

The way the human put his arm so carelessly around her shoulder and both of their smiles. If only he knew who she was would he stay by her side? Would any of these useless humans? She wasn't just some human who lost everything she's a human that all vampires are after and now it's my chance to save her from a death much, much worse than death but telling her out right wasn't right and I wasn't about to make any kind of irrational decisions.

Kat: "I guess it's been a long practice day. They've all treated me so great and I'm grateful to them. "

Perfect time to get closer to her. I know she has no family clearly but if I can get her to trust me I can show her to truth. Everything and I'll be able to save her. There were a lot of her "friends" Here but I may as well give for it. Now or never.

Kat: "My family died when I was a lot younger. I was supposed to die as well but because I saved my little sister I was saved by someone who... Is gone all of a sudden. I haven't had anyone like you all show me this much compassion since the last time I saw my sister."

She looked up. I didnt lie nor did I change the story at all. sure I Ieft out details and it seemed to Visibly affect her as she got up and went to the bathroom. I went to say something when she did and the boy Simon spoke, the others already falling back into their natural talking. Avalina watched Isabel with sorrow filled eyes.

Simon: "Sorry for Is. Her uh. Her family died when she was super young in front of her and my family raised her up. Recently she's been having some issues with it. I'm so sorry for your family but do you think you could talk to her? You both have no family it seems so and she-"

I raised my hand. I knew what he was asking. I had no idea she was having such a hard time or I'd have kept my mouth shut.

Kat: "I get it. Don't worry I'll go talk to her. We seem to have that in common right? Struggling with the fact our family is dead."

The red head looked up, she hadn't moved from her seat to go to Isabel but then again she didn't look away from the direction the girl went. 

Avalina: "Don't you mean to say "families" since....You're not related. Her family is dead , no survivors YOU...Have a sister somewhere. Which you should find before she gets hurt you know? How much younger was she?"

She was a vampire, thats why she was different. I knew I had smelled something, that smell was blood lust. I could sense she knew I was too. Our eyes locked and I growled lightly under my breath. Simon snapped his fingers and both looked at him, he wore a suggestive grin that I didn't like.

Simon: "You know Kat, Avalina has known her longer and..uh I think you two shouldnt fight over her, she's not into dating more than one girl~"

I scoffed and went to the bathroom where I found Isabel knocked out on the floor. I ran to her side and bit my lip, fighting myself so I didn't feed from her. Her body was light and I could smell her fear. Someone had attacked her but just left as I came in, they could probably tell I was coming.

Kat: "Shit, little sister....You have to wake up. My self control isn't that strong with the blood of eve. The smell is so intoxicating to us. Makes our kind want it more.  Wake up already." 

She moaned softly and leaned her head to the side, exposing her neck more and I felt my eyes flashing red for a moment before I inhaled deeply and shook her lightly. 

Kat: "Wake up."

She whimpred and I saw a tear slide down her cheek that broke my heart as she whispered out.

Isabel: "Mom...Dad."

I closed my eyes and shook it off, can't give myself up. She has to know about everything but not now. I shook her a little harder and got to my feet instantly, using my speed to catch a fist, only to have my body pulled forward and slammed to the wall. Avalinas eyes were violet purple. She was a royal?! But-but wasn't he the last?!

Avalina: "Who the hell are you?! Don't lay a hand on Isabel."

I knew I couldnt fight a royal blood. Most vampires couldnt either. They were orriginals, unkillable even. Thats why Vampires wanted the Eve....So they could be like royals, basically royals that you COULD kill was what that'd make them with just a little bit of her blood.  She didn't seem to know who Isabel was.

Kat: "You know exactly who I am. You fucking royals think you're so special because you're the first borns. News flash you're not all that."

Her eyes remained lit up as she hissed.

Avalina: "Sister or not, don't ever touch her again."

I laughed.

Kat: "Can you stop me? Last I knew you weren't my sire."

She had no clue who Isabel was? Really? She let me go and lightly woke her up, helping her walk out.

Stay with meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora