Part 7

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I woke up in Simons room, on his bed and groaned in pain. My head felt like someone hit me with a hundred bricks. I was alone in the room and sighed lightly... The feeling of being alone was something I got used to over the years actually. Simon came in to the room and instantly ran to my side and sat beside me, looking over me to make sure I was okay. He looked genuinely worried for me and though neither of us spoke even a small word I could tell he had a thousand things to ask. Like what happened or whatever but he also could tell though that since I was quiet I didn't feel well and was in pain. He sighed lightly and Pat my head.

Simon: "idiot. you're always getting hurt somehow. This was why you got lessons in how to fight. It's fine if you don't remember what happened.. Just get more rest. I have that blind date so just get a good rest."

I nodded and slowly closed my eyes, darkness and sleep once again taking hold over me. I opened my eyes in the woods running. Time was so slow as I screamed and heard growling behind me. The panic in my body shot all over as I didn't stop running and I fell into a small current but I didn't let it slow me down as I crawled out and was shivering cold with water dripping down my body. My mothers voice echoing in my head saying "Don't let them have the blood of eve!" before I had left to run. And why was Avalinas voice and Kats voice echoing in my head about the eve of blood and sisters, not touching me? Vampires?

I woke up panting with Avalina sitting on the chair Simon had been in before he left. I suddenly had so many questions that needed to be answered but asking her was useless, she barely talked to me as it was. How- and why was she here. Before I even got a chance to ask she went on.

Avalina: "Simon called me an hour ago and asked me to sit with you while you slept. I don't know how in the world he got my number even but are you okay? Me and kat found you in the bathroom and Simon helped me get you here to rest. The doctor that had been here earlier said you passed out from being exhausted." 

I nodded and sat up, a soft ringing in my ears and she helped me with a hand on my back and under my arm.

Isabel: "I feel a bit better after sleeping. I feel bad for freaking out like I did when Kat talked about her family."

Avalina bit her lower lip and sighed, smiling very lightly. That was a look I could get used to. Much better than her dark and mysterious look to her that never really smiled or interacted to much.

Avalina: "She's not sad about it. Don't worry. She understands you. Losing your family is never easy for anyone. Besides, if she hadn't said anything about it right then and there you'd be okay right now."

I smiled at her and got up, almost falling and her reaction time was faster than most peoples as she grabbed my elbow and steadied me instantly.

Isabel: "Sorry. I'm not sure what's wrong with me."

She shook her head with a gentle smile and pat my head lightly.

Avalina: "Don't worry about it to much. I'll be here to pick you up and stable you at any time you need me. Just call my name and I'll be there."

 I pulled my arm from her softly, remembering the words vampire leave her lips before in the bathroom when I passed out. Kat had said something about my blood as well but I was so dizzy then I hadn't been sure until that dream. My mom had said "them" and also something about my blood.

Isabel: "Be honest with me about something."

She nodded slowly, a little confused.

Isabel: "What the hell is "the blood of eve" and what even does "vampire" mean?"

Her eyes met mine, suddenly very, very guarded and she even...Looked dangerous.

Avalina: "Where did you hear either term? The blood of ev-....You."

She put two and two together but I couldn't tell what it was. By the way she looked at me there was pure worry and a sudden sadness.

Avalina: "I can't tell you anything until you tell me what you know...Or have heard."

I was confused by her reaction. Shouldn't she tell me I was dreaming? What was with the way she looked so guarded. 

Isabel: "I don't know exactly...I passed out and Kat said something about me having the blood of eve? And then I heard you or someone calling her a vampire? Then I had a dream of my mom saying not to let them have the blood of eve? Whos them? Vampires are just folk lore to scare kids off from going outside at night."

She inhaled slowly and shook her head.

Avalina: "No point in lying to you.  It seems that "girl" Kat is one of your siblings and you have the blood of eve, which makes a lot of sense...You're blood smells sweeter than any other of the humans around you."

Kat? Ha...Funny. 

Isabel: "My family all was killed in front of me Avalina. There's no way."

She shook her head again and moved faster than anything I'd ever seen from one side of the bed to in front of me with just a blink of my eyes.

Avalina: "You saw that. You saw them all die yes. But if the blood of a royal is given to a dying human with a will to live they can become a vampire.....I am a royal blooded vampire which just means I'm one of the first generations with extra speed, strength and much faster reaction times basically. Kat was changed and knew you were the eve....Which meant she was part of your family Isabel. I can show you what the blood of eve means and is...You just have to trust me."

For some reason I believed her... I nodded and looked at her eyes, they went purple when she touched my pulse and brought her lips to mine. I felt myself blush until images flashed before my eyes and suddenly my thoughts were filled with things I never thought possible and she broke the kiss, catching me when I almost fell. 

Avalina: "I love you Isabel.....But I was sent here to find the blood of eve for the greater good of my kind. which is exactly why I won't let them have you if they find out I found you. And also why Kat musn't live. If they sent her here then she may very well bring you to them."

Sister....Kat. I shook my head no, leaning into her a little more...Not sure if I could take all of this at once.

Isabel: "Don't hurt her. She' Please."

Suddenly darkness pulled me so roughly into its hold and I lost any bit of light and fell into the pit.

Stay with meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن