"It may seem foolish. How could a being of light be trapped by bars like this? I am not fully certain myself, but whatever that thing..." he almost spat the word 'thing', pointing at the rod, "...is, it's given the cage a constant energy flux. One that I could not overcome."

"Millennia have passed, and they have taken to spreading all manner of dark tale, mostly using a one about a ship that has crashed upon this mountain to cover their tracks. 

"They formed a black ball in the sky, like a moon, allowing them to keep watch over the people."

"After trapping me, they formed this mountain around me, and used spare ship parts to aid in the concoction of the lie. Anyone who still dared venture to close, they killed, as they tried with you. Very fortunate that one of the Shinragaka was with you."

"Shinrag what?" Mrax puzzled.

"The boy." The star said, unamused by the lack of knowledge they possessed.

"He is from a race called the Shinragaka. They were believed to be from the stars and in so much, worshipped me during the Bright Era. In return, I set them up with great riches, proclaiming them to rule the planet. I blessed them where I could extra; bringing light to help guide the weary traveler, warmth to help the plants, you know, the seemingly normal stuff."

"Over the years, I formed a close bond with that race, allowing me to communicate with them, but them alone."

"Since the proclaimed 'end of the Bright era', they have been labeled heretics and driven out for their beliefs."

"Your father," he locked eyes with Gathen, "was a firm believer in me, and still is to this day."

"What?" Gathens eyes widened. "You mean, he's alive?"

"Alive and well. He helped start the latest rabble rouser group proclaiming the 'breaking of the dawn'. That of course would be my release."

"Is it safe to touch the rod?" Sharna inquired.

"It should be for you. From inside this cage, I could not have reached it."

To demonstrate, he stretched out a hand to pass between the bars. As it came to what should've been open space between them, his hand hit an invisible wall.

"But be very careful. The power in that rod could very well level planets, as I fear it originally did. No telling where these 'darkness loving buffoons' got it."

Carefully, Kaet lifted the rod from the bars and stepped back.

The gold figure stepped over to the door and pushed against it. It swung open freely.

He stepped out and breathed heavily.

"There is one thing else you must do. Two things really." He walked over to the base of the stairs.

"I will lift you back to the entrance. Once there, strike the mountain, but only just so. Do not hold the rod thereon, lest its energies destroy the planet beneath you."

"Once done, I will be able to burst forth and return to my rightful place amongst the heavens, illuminating the entire system."

"This will signify to my followers 'the break of dawn' and a revolt will happen the likes of which could kill the majority residing hereupon." 

"You must hasten back to the city, taking that accursed rod with you. I will blaze a path through the plants to guide you the quickest back.

"Within the castle, the dark ones had a contraption built, they believed it has harnessed another star like myself, but I could feel it's power, and it is beyond anything I can recall. Free whatever it is, as you are freeing me, with a strike of the rod." 

"I believe then, the battle will be outweighed heavily, and the war won."

The star turned and placed a hand on Gathens shoulder. 

"I hope you find your father boy. He was a good man. Always."

He lifted his face upward and the group was coated in golden light and lifted at an alarming rate through the mountain. At the entrance, they slowed, and the light dispersed as they walked out of the entrance.

Mrax lead Gathen and Sharna to the edge of the ruined trees, Vell and Elm following close behind.

Kaet looked back at them and nodded, raising the rod in her hands.

She struck the mountain and a fury of purple energy flooded from the rod through side of the mountain.

She quickly pulled it back off it and darted toward the wood line as the mountain began to disintegrate.

Rumbles could be heard as the hollowed inside was caved in.

Light began to glow forth from it as it crumbled to dust.

The golden man exploded forth from the dirt, glistening, and flew into the sky where he grew both in size and brightness.

As he reached the outer atmosphere, he broke through what appeared by the reflection of his light to be the black orb they had crashed into.

Eventually, he could no longer be seen as man, but a bright star, growing until it illuminated the system as it was meant to do.

A bright ray of light burned behind them, and, like a child moving their finger through sand, emblazoned a path for them, incinerating everything it touched.

A wary glance was exchanged amongst the group, and then they turned and followed the burnt trail.

ARC 5 - Oblivions Edge Part 2: Break of DawnWhere stories live. Discover now