Chapter 9

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It wasn't hard to follow where the goblins had went. 

Despite their best efforts to carry him, Vell still weighed close to a half ton, and left a clear dragline in the ground. It was easier to follow still when the lines had killed the grass and loam, making a dark trail amidst the vibrant forest floor. 

There was no separation among the group as they followed the trail together, prepared for another surprise assault. 

The plant life began to thin out as they came upon the goblin's lair. 

The entrance was a cave opening inside the base of a mountain. It spanned nine foot in diameter, ringed with glowing orange flowers, intermingled with the occasional red bud. 

From where they stood, they could see the glow from fires beyond the mouth thereof.

"Well, let's not all be pansies." Mrax said pushing to the front and leading the way into the cave.

As they rounded the corner into the cave, they discovered the glow was not only from the occasional torch on the wall, but from lava flowing with in the mountain. 

They followed the drag trail to where it ended; a cliff, dropping straight into a river of lava.

A twenty-foot bridge made of rope and wood spanned the distance to the other side.

"How in gods name did a bunch of goblins lug a half ton rock across this?" Kaet asked.

"Ropes. Ropes and who knows how much leverage." Koldar spoke up. "Crafty creatures goblins. Best be careful."

Mrax stepped out onto the bridge and heard the board beneath his foot began to groan. 

"Yeah, that's not happening." He stated, stepping back off it.

"Move, scaredy cat." Kaet told him, stepping in front of him. 

She raised her hands and a large red disc appeared in front of her. From this, a metal bridge structure began to emerge.

The structure finished with a thud, as the ends slammed onto solid ground on either side. 

Kaet stepped back, catching her breath and wiping sweat from her brow. 

"Very nice, sis." Mrax said, stepping on across it with ease.

The soldiers were stunned. They had never seen anything like that before. This woman, this outsider, just materialized a bridge right in front of them.

They shook themselves from their trance as Kaet walked across, Elm holding onto her back.

"Let's go boys." Koldar said, leading the way. 

Three of them crossed.

Then two.

Then came the remaining ones, Dave and Heblek.

They were still unsure of the structure, and crossed slowly, looking down at the bridge, and the fiery lava below.  

"Look out!" They heard Koldar yell.

They looked up, and saw a large tree trunk, held by ropes, swinging toward the bridge.

Dave jumped backwards, succeeding in landing back on the opening side. 

Heblek wasn't so lucky.

The trunk slammed into the bridge, snapping it as though it were still rope and wood. Heblek was tossed into the air amidst the shattered bits of metal and wood.

He screamed as he fell, flailing his arms till he splashed through the lava below. Then silence.

The group looked over at Dave, the pendulum trunk still slowly swinging between them. Dave was still stunned, staring over the edge into the lava.

ARC 5 - Oblivions Edge Part 2: Break of DawnWhere stories live. Discover now