He returns the hug.

I sigh and back away from the hug. "I should be getting to class now. See you after school!"

"Okay I'll see you!" He smiles to me.

Then we split ways. I sigh, I don't think it's working. I kind of just got friend zoned hard. "A 'friendly hangout' come on Jisung! Why couldn't you call it a date!" I whined quietly to myself.

I enter the class and wait for the teacher, it was dance so Jisung wasn't in here. I sigh and lean on the wall. Then Felix walks in, he was my dance buddy. Ever since Hyunjin and Seungmin left Felix and I had gotten close again. I was starting to consider him close to being my best friend. However, my best friend as of now was Jeongin and I don't plan to change that, I love him like the brother I never had. I want to just squish his adorable cheeks and ruffle his hair. He was really like a brother to me.

I nod to Felix as he comes in. "Oi cunt!" He waves, laughing that he called me a cunt.

"Hey." I wave.

"You good?" He then turns serious as I don't joke back.

"Jisung friend zoned me." I shrugged. "For like the 99th time."

"Awh. That sucks man. I hope you can seduce him in these next 7 days before he leaves. I really want to see you both together again. Minsung is cute!" He sighs.

"Minsung? Thats what your calling it now?" I say.

"We have called you two that for 2 years." He shakes his head.

"2 years.. jeez thats so long time suckkks! I'm fricken old!" I whine.

"Yep, we all are." Felix nods.

"Anyhow, you found your man or woman yet?" I ask.

"I think I'm asexual, I haven't met anyone yet." He sighs.

"Yo thats okay. I support you always." I smile and embrace him in a hug.

"Thanks mate." He smiles.

I release the hug and grab a speaker. "I suppose we should practice our dance routines?" I say.

"Yeah, I'm so glad this was a team project, you know, now we can be sexy together." He laughs.

"Okay just because we picked a sexy dance does not mean you need to say that." I roll my eyes.

"Awh come on, it was funny." He groans.

"Whatever man, let's just get on with the routine." I say.

We start to practice our dance routine. This dance involved a lot of hip movement and grinding on stage. I didn't mind, I kinda liked this dance. Hopefully Jisung would like it too. Felix and I decided it wasn't good enough so we had to add in some body rolls as well. My favourite part of the dance was at the climax where Felix would push me to the ground and I would catch myself on my hands and have my feet in the air. Then I would slowly start to grind down on the stage and then flip over and roll around a bit while also being a tease to the audience. I liked this dance, it was good.

Amnesia~Minsung 💕Where stories live. Discover now