"Well, you of course mother" I spat with all the venom I could muster.

"What?" I heard both the douche and Edward say, I could see pure shock written across their faces.

"Isabella" She whispers shocked, I wanted to knock that fucking look off her face, she didn't have a right to be shocked. I loved watching the blood drain from her face as she looked at the douche from the corner of her eye and I had a feeling she hadn't mentioned me at all since they'd been together.

"I'd imagine I look different from when I was 10...and you left in the middle of the fucking night without a word" I hissed at her, I stepped forward I really wanted to get my fucking hands on her...But of course Edward would wanna ruin my fun.

"Oh Shit" I heard Edward say as he dragged me out the doors into the yard...it was empty so I assume everyone was making their way to the wake...I was thinking about giving it a fucking miss now.

"Isabella" I heard being called, I spun around coming face to face with a very fucking pale Renée.

"Don't even fucking talk to me, stay the hell away from me" I hissed.

"I...I just wanted to see how you were...how Charlie was that's all I don't want to cause trouble'' She said in a small voice.

"Oh fuck" I heard from Edward..the worst thing she could have done was bring up my farther.

I kicked Edward in the leg so he'd let go of me, as soon as his grip loosened I punched her in the face with my good hand "You don't mention my Fathers fucking name...do you understand me you little bitch..if you hadn't left like a fucking coward you'd know that he died years ago...and that I was left on my own with no Parents while you lived the fucking high life" I spat, I could feel liquid running down my arm, I know what I'd fucking done.

I didn't take my eyes off Renée as she sat the on the floor holding her cheek with tears rolling down her face...I actually felt pretty good seeing her like that, The douche decided to help her up, he looked like he wanted to fucking murder me...I had a fucking right after everything she did to us.

"Edward..you still got the hanky thing?" I asked without removing my glare from them.

"Yeah why?" He said pulling it from my pocket.

"Cos I just broke some stitches" I said.

He walked over to me and pulled the front of my dress, I watched as he pulled the bandage back, It wasn't so bad I'd need to get another stitch "For fuck sake Bella" he said shaking his head.

"Just fucking fix it so I can go home" I snapped at him...I saw the douche looking over Edwards Shoulder to get a good look.

"You were fucking shot?" He said in disbelief.

"Get your fucking eyes off my Princess" Edward hissed at him

I watched him pull back "Sorry, how the fuck did she get shot?" He asked still shocked.

"Aro..that's fucking how" He spat.

"Just fucking sort this and get the hell out my face...all of you" I said looking up at Edward, he hurt look that crossed his have nearly made me change my mind... but I'd had enough for one fucking day.

"You are going nowhere without me..do you understand?" His eyes turned cold and his voice hard...but he forgot I'm not scared of this Edward.

"I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to...but you ain't my boss and you sure as shit ain't gonna treat me like on of your boys...Now are you gonna fix this or am I gonna go somewhere else and get it done" I said with a raised brow.

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