Chapter 12

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I figured I could win her over with flowers as I didn't hear anything from her, I mean the note was a bit of a piss take, I didn't really expect her to drop everything and call, but I was hoping. So when I didn't hear anything I had a bunch of flowers sent each day. But I had a plan, I mean I could get what I wanted if I had one of my Tech guys get the info I needed but I figured if I pissed her off enough, she would either contact me or just give in to make me piss off, But what she didn't know was I would get what I wanted and that was a fuck. Although I had a feeling if I had her once then I'd probably want her again. I'd cross that bridge when I come to it. I set up the florist to send a bunch everyday and just charge it to my card, she would contact me soon enough and then I would have her number.

The first thing I did after I picked her daily card and flowers was, have peter one of our Tech guys come over to my club and do a sweep through. I would meet him the in about an hour, I'd already done it this week, I weren't taking any chances, I do it about once a month normally on random days and times, I don't want to get in to a routine, being predictable will get you in trouble in this job I'll be damned if I'm gonna get fucked over. But with what's going on at the moment I'm doing it every week on the quite.

I downed the rest my coffee and jumped in the shower, I didn't have time to rub one out, I was in a hurry today. I scrubbed myself clean and washed my hair, turned off the shower and pulled a towel around my waist as I towel dried my hair. I just ran my hand through it, It's pointless trying to do anything else with it. I put on dark blue button down with a skinny black tie to match with my black Armani suit, I didn't bother shaving so I had days worth of stubble that was starting to itch, I'll sort that later.

I grabbed my phone, keys, wallet and made sure to tuck my 9 in the back of my trousers, You never know who you're gonna meet. I was out the door and in my Aston Martin within 5 min's, damn I loved this car, I could listen to the purr of the engine all day. I arrived at the club with a few minutes to spare. I unlocked the door as I made my way to my office and unlocked it, I didn't leave anything to chance all my shit's locked up, and it's rare that I leave anything illegal in the grounds you never know when you might get visitors.

I was just starting to work on the payroll for this month when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I called.

The door opened and peter stuck his head in, I put my finger to my lips to tell him to be quite and nodded him to get on with it. He pulled out with bug sweeper and started to go over every surface of my office, I damn near had a heart attack when the thing started going off like a fucking fire alarm, Then I realised what that noise meant. I was fucking pissed, I was more that pissed, I was damn right livid.

"Un fottuto bastardo, attendere che ottengo le mie mani su di lui" I shouted when peter had disconnected it for the chair opposite my desk. I gave peter my phone and made him check it over. thankfully it was clean, It's not often I leave it lying around for someone to snatch up and mess with it. I took the bug off Peter and checked it over, defo one of the FBI's the little pricks I crushed it under my foot and dialed Emmett.


"Where you at?" I didn't bother with pleasantries.

"On my way to pick up some of the lads" he answered puzzled.

"Stop at a payphone and call me back" I said and hung up.

He's spent more time with Mikey than I have, and I don't know if he got a hold of Emmett's phone, The little fucker managed to get busy in my office.

"Peter, go over the rest of the club, don't miss nothing or it's your ass" I snapped, it's not like it's him that planted it. It's probably safer for him out there than in here with me by the way I was feeling at the moment. My phone rang and I answered on the second ring.

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