Chapter 9

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OK we're back with Bella


I'm not sure how long I was working but when I turned to look around I noticed Edward wasn't at his table. I felt disappointed that he'd left and not said goodbye and I didn't know why. Then I felt a flutter in the bottom of my stomach as I looked to the end of the bar. There he was with a scowl on his face as Lauren tried to sway herself over to him. Now let's be honest she looked like a fucking idiot. I was kinda hoping she slips and breaks her bloody leg then do a face plant on the floor. I knew she was gonna be trouble and here she is going after my fucking man the little bitch...hold the fuck man?

I wanted to laugh at the look on his face, but I was entirely too pissed off at myself for being jealous. I've never had that feeling before and I don't much like it. I was also fucking pissed at Lauren for trying to be sexy...and I say trying because let's face it she looks like a stripper with too many clothes on. I locked my eyes with his and he actually looked scared. He was pleading with me to help him with his eyes. So I made my way over to him as Lauren was calling him handsome and my blood turned like ice...I am really fucking hating this feeling.

"Fuck off Lauren" I said. I didn't even recognize my voice it was hard and filled with hatred. It sounded like I was trying to stake a claim on him. I didn't like it because I wasn't. I don't think. He caught it to judging by the smirk on his face a mile wide...shit.

"Angel, can I use your office a minute to make call?" He asked as he held up to show me his phone. He then looked over at the blonde guy at his table then back at me.

"Sure" I muttered as I walked over to the end of the bar and made my way to my office. I didn't even look back at Lauren, but I bet she had a scowl on that mess she calls a face. I opened the door for him to go in, but then the fucker had to lean down and give me a kiss on the cheek. His lips barely even touched me, but I felt the shock go right to my core...Jesus fucking Christ. When I got myself under control I looked up at him and his eyes were on my lips as he licked his own...oh god help me that little prick I swear to god!

"Don't fucking touch anything, make your call and get out...cocky little shit" I muttered, I was trying to get myself under control. I didn't like this hold that he seemed to have over me it made my insides feel like they were turning into jelly.

I watched him put his hand over his heart and pretend to be hurt...that shit ain't working on me sweet-cheeks. "Ouch wound me" He said with a straight face. To me he looked fucking stupid and I wanted to laugh in his face but I just showed him a look that would make me come across as pissed off. It finally worked though. "OK, OK, don't touch anything and get it" He said with a little smile as he put his hands up in surrender. I couldn't help but give him a little smile in return as I made my way back to the bar to lend a hand...fuck me it was busy in here.

I was serving for about ten minutes keeping an eye on a drunken Alice talking to the blonde dude that sat next to Edward when he came out with a smirk on his face. He gave me a wink...what the fuck did he do I thought as I felt my eyes narrow at him, He's done something the whole innocent look he's trying to pull off ain't fooling me at all...the little bastard. When he thinks I ain't looking at him I see a mile wide smile shoot across his face. I'm in a daze for a second of two when someone shouts for a drink. I'll deal with him later, he better not have touched my shit I thought as I made from person to person.

After another 15 minutes or so I looked over at Alice. I noticed she was on her own so I made my way over after grabbing a bottle of tequila, a lemon, shot glasses and some salt. I plopped my ass on the stool next to her and held out the bottle like it was the Holy Grail with a big fat cheesy grin on my face. She poured us two shots. I gave her a slice of lemon as I got the salt ready.

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