Chapter 13

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It didn't take long to get to the bar, I'd given Angela a key to open up, she was the one that I could trust the most out of all my staff, she wasn't the type of person to work in a bar I don't think, but she's trying to pay her way through school and I know what a bitch that can being the nice warm-hearted person I am, I gave her a chance...yeah right. She is nice, quite a bit timid for my liking but she does a good job.

As I walked in I saw her and Ben chatting behind the bar..."Hey guys, did opening up go OK?" I asked. Angela jumped a little, she was far to absorbed in her convocation with Ben that she didn't notice me coming through the door, Ben just chuckled at her and shook his head, he had a light twinkle in his eye's...ahhhh won't be long for them two to stop dancing around each other, Angela blushes every time he talks to her, they've been at it all week.

"Hey Bella, yeah we're good." she muttered in a quite, shy sounding voice.

"Good, good, I'm gonna heat up my dinner, I didn't get a chance to eat before coming here, be back in a minute" I said as I made my way to my office. I unlocked the door and made my in chucking my bag and keys on desk, grabbing my dinner I made my way over and to the microwave, I only put it in for 2 minutes as it wasn't quite cold, I didn't take it out the oven that long ago. I moved back to the table and put my bag in the safe, I am a cop's daughter after all, I know I lock the door but I've a few shady people in here over the last week or so, they could easily bust the lock...I'm not stupid, I even have my desert eagle in the desk draw , I hope to god I don't have to use it, but you never know, better safe than sorry I suppose.

I was brought out my thoughts with the 'ding' of the microwave signaling that it was finished, I made my way over and the pot and put in a on plate I'd left here, god it smelled good, It was my Nonna Swan's recipe, I used to spend summer's over in Italy with her and Nonno, they both taught me how to cook, then when I was old enough, I came back and put it to good use cooking for me and Charlie, because lets face it he couldn't cook for shit, which was a shock due to who his parents were..but what ever.

I made my way back to the bar and sat on the stool taking a mouthful of my Lasagna thinking about my Nonna, I hadn't thought her in a while, She was only a little woman, but boy did she have a temper, she was a spit fire when she got going. My dad used to say I got mt temper from her. I loved her like crazy, I loved my summers over in Sicily, They rented a vin yard, I helped my Nonno out in the fields when I was younger,, it used to be fun...then I grew up then decided it was too much work and decided to stay with my Nonna and help with the cooking. We bonded a lot in the kitchen, and for that time I was grateful. When my Nonna died, it broke my heart, my Nonno didn't last longer after that, It was like the life was sucked out of him. I went out there for the funeral for a few weeks and didn't realise I would be making it two. I was fucking gutted.

I was just about to put food in my mouth as I looked up and my green-eyed good making his way over and stopped with the fork mid-air and froze, what the hell was he doing here?, I bet that fucker came for a thank you, he's gonna have a long wait I thought sarcastically. Next thing I know he was right in front of me leaning over, I thought he was gonna his kiss, you know what I was thinking as he slid his hand up my arm to my wrist to move the fork out the way?...yes fucking please, Then the fucker did the unthinkable, he ate my fucking food, I was pissed, I really was but like a twat I looked at his mouth wrapping around my fork as me moaned and sat back, I watched his eyes roll in the back of his head, Then I thought of how I could make his eyes do that when I fucked him into oblivion. My eyes were still on his mouth, I could see his tongue peek out a swipe his bottom lip and my panties got damp...god damn him.

"Jesus fucking Christ, where the hell did you get that from, that shit's the best I've had?" He moaned again

I could feel my eye's narrow, fucker ate my food, I wanted to be a bitch but I was secretly happy he liked my cooking for some reason, I made me feel like I did something right. "I made it" I said, I could feel the blush covering my face, I didn't do it often anymore, I was glad I have grown out of it. It hadn't happened in years, then he comes around and BAM it back...fuck.

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